Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Starting with version 1.0.9-AC, the JMWE Cloud add-on is provided with a Nunjucks template editor and tester in the post-function configuration screens. This document details their availability and features.


On this page:

Table of Contents



Opens the search box. Use /re/ syntax for regexp search

findNextPost a search, finds the next occurrence of the searchCtrl-GCmd-G
findPrevPost a search, finds the previous occurrence of the searchShift-Ctrl-GShift-Cmd-G

Opens the Replace window.

replaceAllOpens the Replace all windowShift-Ctrl-RShift-Cmd-Alt-F
selectAllSelect the whole content of the editorCtrl-ACmd-A
singleSelectionWhen multiple selections are present, this deselects all but the primary selectionEscEsc
killLineDeletes the part of the line after the cursor. If that consists only of whitespace, the newline at the end of the line is also deleted.
deleteLineDeletes the whole line under the cursor, including newline at the end.Ctrl-DCmd-D
delWrappedLineLeftDelete the part of the line from the left side of the visual line the cursor is on to the cursor.
delWrappedLineRightDelete the part of the line from the cursor to the right side of the visual line the cursor is on.
undoUndo the last changeCtrl-ZCmd-Z
redoRedo the last undone changeCtrl-YShift-Cmd-Z or Cmd-Y
undoSelectionUndo the last change to the selection, or if there are no selection only changes at the top of the history, undo the last change.Ctrl-UCmd-U
redoSelectionRedo the last change to the selection, or the last text change if no selection changes remain.Alt-UShift-Cmd-U
goDocStartMove the cursor to the start of the document.Ctrl-HomeCmd-Up orCmd-Home
goDocEndMove the cursor to the end of the document.Ctrl-EndCmd-End orCmd-Down
goLineStartMove the cursor to the start of the line.Alt-LeftCtrl-A
goLineStartSmartMove to the start of the text on the line, or if we are already there, to the actual start of the line (including whitespace).HomeHome
goLineEndMove the cursor to the end of the line.Alt-RightCtrl-E
goLineRightMove the cursor to the right side of the visual line it is on.
goLineLeftMove the cursor to the left side of the visual line it is on. If this line is wrapped, that may not be the start of the line.
goLineUpMove the cursor up one line.UpCtrl-P
goLineDownMove down one line.DownCtrl-N
goPageUpMove the cursor up one screen and scroll up by the same distance.PageUpShift-Ctrl-V
goPageDownMove the cursor down one screen and scroll down by the same distance.PageDownCtrl-V
goCharLeftMove the cursor one character left, going to the previous line when hitting the start of the line.LeftCtrl-B
goCharRightMove the cursor one character right, going to the next line when hitting the end of the line.RightCtrl-F
goWordLeftMove the cursor to the start of the previous word.
goWordRightMove the cursor to the end of the next word.
goGroupLeftMove to the left of the group before the cursor. Ctrl-LeftAlt-Left
goGroupRightMove to the right of the group after the cursor.Ctrl-RightAlt-Right
delCharBeforeDelete the character before the cursor.Shift-BackspaceCtrl-H
delCharAfterDelete the character after the cursor.DeleteCtrl-D
delWordBeforeDelete up to the start of the word before the cursor.
delWordAfterDelete up to the end of the word after the cursor.
delGroupBeforeDelete to the left of the group before the cursor.Ctrl-BackspaceAlt-Backspace
delGroupAfterDelete to the start of the group after the cursor.Ctrl-DeleteCtrl-Alt-Backspace or Alt-Delete
indentAutoAuto-indent the current line or selection.Shift-TabShift-Tab
indentMoreIndent the current line or selection by one indent unit.Ctrl-]Cmd-]
indentLessDedent the current line or selection by one indent unit.Ctrl-[Cmd-[
defaultTabIf something is selected, indent it by one indent unit. If nothing is selected, insert a tab character.TabTab
transposeCharsSwap the characters before and after the cursor.
newlineAndIndentInsert a newline and auto-indent the new line.EnterEnter
toggleOverwriteFlip the overwrite flag.InsertInsert


In the post-functions that process the parent issue, after you input an issue, its parent is displayed under Parent issue keyThe parentIssue variable used in your template will point to the parent issue you select.


The transition variable will not reflect transition information during testing.
