Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This section has use cases which help you understand the usage of the Calculated fields provided by JMCF.

On this page:


This section has use cases which help you understand the usage of the Calculated fields provided by JMCF.

On this page:

Table of Contents

Calculated (scripted) Date custom field type

A Calculated (scripted) Date custom field type represents a java.util.Date calculated from a Groovy script.

Sample use cases:

(lightbulb) Calculate and display the Sprint end date in the statistics

  • Create a Calculated (scripted) Date custom field type, Sprint End Date, from the Custom fields administration page.

  • Click on Configure

  • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and write the following formula in the editor

    Code Block
    for (Object sprint : issue.get("Sprint")) {
      if (sprint.isActive())
        return sprint.getEndDate().toDate();

  • Click on “Save”

  • Add this field in the statistics gadgets

Calculated (scripted) Date/Time custom field type

A Calculated (scripted) Date/Time custom field type represents a java.util.Date calculated from a Groovy script and is displayed as date+time.

Sample use cases:



 Calculate and display the


probable date of resolution (excluding weekends) for an issue based on its Priority

  • Create a Calculated (scripted) Date/Time custom field type, Sprint End Date Probable resolution, from the Custom fields administration page.

  • Click on Configure

  • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and write the following formula in the editor

  • Code Block
    forDate (Object sprint : issue.get("Sprint")) {
      if (sprint.isActive())date(Date from, int nod){
        Calendar c1 = GregorianCalendar.getInstance();
        int weeks = nod/5;
        int remDays = nod%5;
      return sprint.getEndDate().toDate(); }
  • Click on “Save”

  • Add this field in the statistics gadgets


  • /


A Calculated (scripted) Date/Time custom field type represents a java.util.Date and is displayed as date+time.

Sample use cases:

(lightbulb) Calculate and display the probable date of resolution (excluding weekends) for an issue based on its Priority

  • Create a Calculated (scripted) Date/Time custom field type, Probable resolution, from the Custom fields administration page.

  • Click on Configure

  • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and write the following formula in the editor

  • Code Block
    Date date(Date from, int nod){
        Calendar c1 = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(/Adding whole weeks
        c1.add(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, weeks);
        //Run a loop and check each day to skip a weekend
        for(int i=1;i<=remDays;i++){
          c1.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
        if (c1.setTime(from);
     get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == Calendar.SATURDAY)
          int weeks = nod/5 c1.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
        int remDaysif (c1.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) = nod%5;
     = Calendar.SUNDAY)
      //Adding whole weeks     c1.add(Calendar.WEEKDAY_OF_YEARMONTH, weeks1);
    a loop and
    check each day to skip//Skip aending weekend
        for(int i=1;i<=remDays;i++){
          c1.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
        if (c1.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == Calendar.SATURDAY)
            c1.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
        if (c1.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == Calendar.SUNDAY)
            c1.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
        //move  }to 0:00
        return  //Skip ending weekend
        if (c1.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == Calendar.SATURDAY)
            c1.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
        if (c1.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == Calendar.SUNDAY)
            c1.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
        //move to 0:00
        return c1.getTime();    
    def from = issue.get("created")
    switch (issue.getAsString("priority")) {
     case "Highest" || "High" : return date(issue.get("created"),2);
     case "Medium" : return date(issue.get("created"),4);
     case "Low" || "Lowest" : return date(issue.get("created"),5);
      default : return date(issue.get("created"),5);
  • Click on Save.

  • Click on Edit Date Format and select DATE_TIME_PICKER.

  • Click on Save.


  • c1.getTime();    
    def from = issue.get("created")
    switch (issue.getAsString("priority")) {
     case "Highest" || "High" : return date(issue.get("created"),2);
     case "Medium" : return date(issue.get("created"),4);
     case "Low" || "Lowest" : return date(issue.get("created"),5);
      default : return date(issue.get("created"),5);

  • Click on Save.

  • Click on Edit Date Format and select DATE_TIME_PICKER.

  • Click on Save.

(lightbulb)Calculate and display the Sprint end date as a relative date in the Issue Navigator.

  • Create a Calculated (scripted) Date/Time custom field type, Sprint end date from the Custom fields administration page.

  • Click on Configure

  • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and write the following formula in the editor

    Code Block
    for (Object sprint : issue.get("Sprint")) {
      if (sprint.isActive())
        return sprint.getEndDate().toDate();
  • Click on Save.

  • Click on Edit Date Column Format and select RELATIVE.

  • Click on Save.

Calculated (scripted) Duration custom field type

A Calculated (scripted) Duration custom field type represents a duration and is displayed either as a duration string or as a number in a Long format representing the number of seconds.

Sample use cases:

(lightbulb) Calculate and display how many days an issue has been open

  • Create a Calculated (scripted) Duration custom field type, Open since, from the Custom fields administration page.

  • Click on Configure

  • Click on Edit Groovy formula and write the following formula.

    Code Block
    return ((new Date()).getTime() - issue.created.getTime())/1000L
  • Click on Save.

(lightbulb) Calculate the duration the field has been Flagged

  • Create a Calculated (scripted) Date/Time Duration custom field type, Flagged since, Sprint end date from the Custom fields administration page.

  • Click on on Configure

  • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and formula and write the following formula in the editor.

    Code Block
    for (Object sprint : if(issue.get("SprintFlagged")) {
      ifreturn (sprint.isActive())
        return sprint.getEndDatenew Date().toDategetTime(); } 
  • Click on Save.

  • Click on Edit Date Column Format and select RELATIVE.

  • Click on Save.

Calculated (scripted) Duration custom field type

A Calculated (scripted) Duration custom field type represents a duration and is displayed either as a duration string or as a number in a Long format representing the number of seconds.


  • - issue.getFieldHistory("Flagged").last().created.getTime())/1000L
      return null
  • Click on Save.

(lightbulb) Calculate and display


the number of days from issue creation to resolution in a custom field

  • Create a Calculated (scripted) Duration duration custom field type, Open since, from  from the Custom fields administration page.

  • Click on on Configure 

  • Click on Edit on Edit Groovy formula and Formula and write the following formula.

    return ((new Date()).getTime(
    Code Block
    if(issue.get("resolutiondate") == null){
      return null
    return issue.get("resolutiondate") - issue.created.getTime())/1000Lget("created")
  • Click on Save.

(lightbulb) Calculate


and display the difference between the current Due date and the last Due date.



  • Create a Calculated (scripted) Duration custom field type, Flagged sinceDue change, from the Custom fields administration page.

  • Click on on Configure 

  • Click on Edit Groovy formula and Formula and write the following formula.

Code Block
Code Block
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

Date curDueDate = issue.get("duedate");
if (curDueDate == null)
  return null;

if (issue.getFieldHistory("duedate").size() == 0)
    return null;
oldVal = issue.getFieldHistory(new Date().getTime() - issue.getFieldHistory("Flagged").last().created."duedate")[-1].getFrom()

if (oldVal==null)
 return null;

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
Date oldDueDate = sdf.parse(oldVal);
return (curDueDate.getTime() - oldDueDate.getTime())/1000L
  return null
  • Click on Save.

  • (lightbulb) Calculate and display the


    Total Original Estimate of all the Stories associated to the Epic.

    • Create a Calculated (scripted) duration Duration custom field type: Total Original Estimate,  from from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Configure 

    • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and  and write the following formula.

      Code Block
      if(issue.get("resolutiondate") == null)def totalOE = 0
        return null }totalOE return issue.get("resolutiondate") - issue+= it.get("createdtimeoriginalestimate",0)   
      return totalOE
    • Click on Save.

    • Select the Duration in the configuration as Duration (Time Tracking Format)

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the


    Remaining Estimate of all the Stories associated to the Epic.

    • Create a Calculated (scripted) Duration Number custom field type, Due change, : Total Remaining Estimate, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Configure .

    • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and write the following formula.

      Code Block
      import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
      Date curDueDate = issue.get("duedate");
      if (curDueDate == null)
        return null;
      if (issue.getFieldHistory("duedate").size() == 0)def totalRE = 0
           return null;
      oldVal totalRE += issueit.getFieldHistoryget("duedatetimeestimate")[-1].getFrom(),0)   if (oldVal==null)
      return null;
      SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
      Date oldDueDate = sdf.parse(oldVal);
      return (curDueDate.getTime() - oldDueDate.getTime())/1000L;
    • Click on Save.


    • totalRE
    • Click on Save.

    • Select the Duration in the configuration as Duration (Time Tracking Format)

    Calculated (scripted) Multi-select custom field type

    A Calculated (scripted) Multi-select custom field type represents a collection of Options and is displayed as a String representing the option values.

    Sample use cases:

    (lightbulb)  Calculate and display the access to be provided to the user in a custom field based on the project role the user belongs to.

    • Create a Calculated (scripted) Duration Multi-select custom field type: Total Original Estimate, , "Access to" from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Configure

    • Click on Edit Options

    • Add the options to the custom field.

    • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and write the following formula.

      Code Block
      def totalOE = 0
          totalOE += it.get("timeoriginalestimate",0)   
      return totalOE
    • Click on Save.

    • Select the Duration in the configuration as Duration (Time Tracking Format)

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the Remaining Estimate of all the Stories associated to the Epic.

    • Create a Calculated (scripted) Number custom field type: Total Remaining Estimate, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Configure.

    • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and write the following formula.

      Code Block
      def totalRE = 0
          totalRE += it.get("timeestimate",0)    
      return totalRE
    • Click on Save.

    • Select the Duration in the configuration as Duration (Time Tracking Format)

    Calculated (scripted) Multi-select custom field type


    • languagegroovy
      if(issue.get("New user")== null)
      return null
      def user = issue.get("New user")
      def roles = []
      def project = issue.get("project")
      if(user.isInProjectRole("Customer Support",project)){
        roles += "Jira Service Desk"
      if(user.isInProjectRole("Document writer",project)){
        roles += "Confluence"
      if(user.isInProjectRole("Project Manager",project)){
        roles += "Jira Software"
      return roles
    • Click on Save.

    Calculated (scripted) Multi-user custom field type

    Calculated (scripted) Multi-user custom field type represents a collection of users and is displayed as a String representing the user display names

    Sample use cases:

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the


    assignees of the sub-tasks on the parent issue.

    • Create a Calculated (scripted) Multi-select user custom field type, "Access toAssignees of Sub-tasks" from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on ConfigureClick on Edit Options

    • Add the options to the custom field.

    • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and write the following formula.

      Code Block
      if(issue.get("New user")== null)
      return null
      def user = issue.get("New user")
      def roles = []
      def project = issue.get("project")
      if(user.isInProjectRole("Customer Support",project)){
        roles += "Jira Service Desk"
      if(user.isInProjectRole("Document writer",project)){
        roles += "Confluence"
      if(user.isInProjectRole("Project Manager",project)){
        roles += "Jira Software"
      return rolesSet users = []
          users += it.assignee
      return users
    • Click on Save.

    Calculated (scripted)


    Number custom field type

    Calculated (scripted) Multi-user Number custom field type represents a collection of users and is displayed as a String representing the user display namesrepresents a number and is displayed in Double format. 

    Sample use cases:







    sum of two number field and round off the result

    • Create a Calculated (scripted) Multi-user Number custom field type, "Assignees of Sub-tasks" : Sum, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Configure

    • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and write the following formula.

      Code Block
      Set users = []def result = (issue.get("customfield_16003") ? issue.get("customfield_16003") : 0) + (issue.get("customfield_16004") ? issue.get("subtasks").each{
          users += it.assignee
      return users"customfield_16004") : 0)
      result == 0?0:result.round() //returns 0 when the result is 0 and rounds off the result when there is a value
    • Click on Save.

    Calculated (scripted) Number custom field type

    Calculated (scripted) Number custom field type represents a number and is displayed in Double format. 

    Sample use cases:

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the number of Stories associated to the Epic.

    • Create a Calculated (scripted) Number custom field type: Total Stories, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Configure

    • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and write the following formula.

      Code Block
      if (issue.stories){
        return issue.getStories().size() 
        return 0
    • Click on Save.

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the number of unresolved issues blocking the current issue.

    • Create a Calculated (scripted) Number custom field type: Number of Blocking Issues, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Configure 

    • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and write the following formula.

      Code Block
      return issue.getLinkedIssues("is blocked by").findAll{
        it.get("resolution") == null
    • Click on Save.

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the number of times "Expected Delivery Date" has been modified.

    • Create a Calculated (scripted) Number custom field type, Expected Delivery Date updated, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Configure 

    • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and write the following formula.

      Code Block
      return issue.getFieldHistory("Expected Delivery Date").size() 
    • Click on Save.

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the number of issues linked to the current issue with link type "Interface" and the Affects Version/s "Platform".

    • Create a Calculated (scripted) Number custom field type, Link count, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Configure

    • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and write the following formula.

      Code Block
      def issues = issue.getLinkedIssues("Interface")
      return issues.findAll{
    • Click on Save.

    Calculated (scripted) Single-select custom field type

    Calculated (scripted) Single-select custom field type represents an Option and is displayed as a String representing an Option value.

    Sample use cases:

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the company name with logo based on the value provided in the text field holding the URL of the company

    • Create a Calculated (scripted) Single-select custom field type:

    • Click on Configure 

    • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and write the following formula.

      Code Block
      import org.apache.commons.validator.routines.UrlValidator;
      if (issue.get("URL field")==null)
      return null;
      def urlString = issue.get("URL field")
      def urlValidator = new UrlValidator()
      if(urlValidator.isValid(issue.get("URL field")) == false)
      return null;
      def url = new URL(urlString)
      def host = url.getHost()
      def name = InternetDomainName.from(host).topPrivateDomain();
    • Click on Save.

    • Click on Edit Velocity template and write the following template

      Code Block
      #if ($value == "AMAZON")
      	<img src=''  width=30px >$value
      #elseif ($value == "MYNTRA")
      	<img src=''  width=30px >$value
      	return $value

    Calculated (scripted) Single-user custom field type

    Calculated (scripted) Single-user custom field type represents an ApplicationUser and is displayed as a String representing the display name of the user.

    Sample use cases:

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the user who last commented on the issue

    • Create a Calculated (scripted) Single-user custom field type: Last Commented by, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Configure

    • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and write the following formula.

      Code Block
        return issue.get("comment").last().authorApplicationUser
        return null
    • Click on Save.

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the user who last modified the issue

    • Create a Calculated (scripted) Single-user custom field type: Last Modified by, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Configure

    • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and write the following formula.

      Code Block
      def changeHistoryManager = ComponentAccessor.getChangeHistoryManager()
      def changeItems = changeHistoryManager.getAllChangeItems(issue)
      if (changeItems?.size() > 0) {
      def userManager = ComponentAccessor.getUserManager() ;
      def userkey = changeItems.sort(false).last().getUserKey();
      } else {
    • Click on Save.

    Calculated (scripted) Text/Html custom field type

    Calculated (scripted) Text/Html custom field displays text calculated using a Groovy script and supporting HTML formatting.

    Sample use cases:

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the last comment, its author, and timestamp in a text field.

    • Create a Calculated (scripted) Text/Html custom field type: Last comment details, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Configure 

    • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and write the following formula.

      Code Block
        return "Comment body: " + issue.get("comment").last().getBody() + "\n" +
          "Comment Author: " + issue.get("comment").last(). getAuthor() + "\n" + "Comment timestamp: " + issue.get("comment").last().getUpdated()
        return null
    • Click on Save.

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the current issues' linked issues with "is blocked by" link type and are not in Resolved or Closed status.

    • Create a Calculated (scripted) Text/Html custom field type: Blocking issues, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Configure 

    • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and write the following formula.

      Code Block
      return issue.getLinkedIssues("is blocked by").findAll{
        it.get("status").name!= "Resolved" || it.get("status").name!= "Closed"
    • Click on Save.

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display all the previous due dates as comma-separated list with dates in YYYY-MM-DD format.

    • Create a Calculated (scripted) Text/Html custom field type: Previous Due dates, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Configure 

    • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and write the following formula.

      Code Block
      def dueDates = ""
          dueDates += it.getFrom() + "\n"
      return dueDates
    • Click on Save.

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display estimated hours for each day, using not more than 8 hours per day, until the due date.

    • Create a Calculated (scripted) Text/Html custom field type: Daily estimates, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Configure 

    • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and write the following formula.

      Code Block
      import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
      import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
      dateStrings = new ArrayList();
      dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
      dueDate = issue.get("duedate");
      estimate = issue.get("timeoriginalestimate");
      if (dueDate != null && estimate != null && estimate > 0) {
        calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        hours = estimate / 3600.0;
        while (hours > 0) {
          dateHours = hours > 8 ? 8 : hours;
            dateFormat.format(calendar.getTime()) + "," +
            String.valueOf(dateHours) + " hours"
          hours -= dateHours;
          calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, -1);
          if (calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == Calendar.SUNDAY)
          	calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -1)
          if (calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == Calendar.SATURDAY)
          	calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -1)
      if (dateStrings.isEmpty()) return null;
      return StringUtils.join(dateStrings, "\n");
    • Click on Save.

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the location of the Assignee of the issue from the User properties

    • Create a Calculated (scripted) Text/Html custom field type: Location, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Configure 

    • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and write the following formula.

      Code Block
      def currentUserProps = ComponentAccessor.getUserPropertyManager().getPropertySet(issue.get("reporter"));
      def metaLoc = currentUserProps.getType("jira.meta.location")
      return currentUserProps.getString(metaLoc,"jira.meta.location");
    • Click on Save.

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display all the comments of a specific user.

    • Create a Calculated (scripted) Text/Html custom field type: Comment from John Doe, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Configure 

    • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and write the following formula.

      Code Block
      String s = "";
        if (it.getAuthorApplicationUser().getName().equals("jdoe")) {
      	s += "On "+ it.getCreated().toLocaleString() + " Dashboard meeting.\n";
      	s += "Comment by " + it.getAuthorFullName() + ":\n";
          s += it.getBody() + "\n";
      return s;
    • Click on Save.

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the Project category of the issue's project

    • Create a Calculated (scripted) Text/Html custom field type: Project Category, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Configure 

    • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and write the following formula.

      Code Block
    • Click on Save.

    (lightbulb) Flag the issue on the issue view screen if the has been flagged.

    • Create a Calculated (scripted) Text/Html custom field type: Flag, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Configure 

    • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and write the following formula.

      Code Block
      return issue.get("Flagged")
    • Click on Save.

    • Click on Edit Velocity template and write the following template

      Code Block
      #if ($value != null)
      <div class="ghx-iconfont aui-icon aui-icon-small aui-iconfont-flag">

    Calculated (scripted) Wiki Text custom field type

    Calculated (scripted) Wiki custom field displays text calculated using a Groovy script and optionally supporting wiki-style formatting.

    Sample use cases:

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the last comment, its author, and timestamp in a text field without escaping the formatting .

    • Create a Calculated (scripted) Text/Html custom field type: Last comment details, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Configure 

    • Click on Edit Groovy Formula and write the following formula.

      Code Block
        return "Comment body: " + issue.get("comment").last().getBody() + "\n" +
          "Comment Author: " + issue.get("comment").last(). getAuthor() + "\n" + "Comment timestamp: " + issue.get("comment").last().getUpdated()
        return null
    • Click on Save.

    Last Field Value Change Author custom field type

    A Last Field Value change Author custom field type that represents the author of the last modification made to a field and is displayed as a String representing the display name of the user.

    Sample use cases:

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the author who has last added this issue to a Sprint

    • Create a Last Field Value Change Author custom field type: Moved to Sprint by, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Edit Field to look for

    • Select the Sprint field.

    • Click on Save

    Last Field Value Change Date/Time custom field type

    Last Field Value Change Date/Time custom field type represents a java.util.Date and is displayed as date+time.

    Sample use cases:

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the last time the issue was Flagged.

    • Create a Last Field Value Change Date/Time custom field type: Last Flagged, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Edit Field to look for

    • Select the Flagged field.

    • Click on Save

    Parent Status custom field type

    A Parent status calculated custom field type represents the status of the issue's parent issue, if any, and is displayed as a String representing the status name.

    Sample use cases:



     Calculate and display the status of the parent issue and the name of the user to whom the issue is assigned.

    • Create a Parent Status custom field type: Parent Status field, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Edit Velocity Template

    • Write the following template

      Code Block
      #if ($
      	$formattedValue and assigned to $issue.assignee.displayName

    Status entered by user custom field type

    A Status entered by user custom field type represents a user who last (or first) moved the issue to the specified status and is displayed as a String representing the user display name.

    Sample use cases:

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the author name and the email address of the user who first Approved the issue

    • Create a Status entered by user custom field type, First Approved on, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Edit Statuse(s) to look for.

    • Select the Approval status.

    • Select Earliest from Which transition execution field

    • Click on Save.

    Status entered on date/time custom field type

    A Status entered on Date/Time custom field type represents a date+time the issue has been last (or first) moved to the specified status and is displayed as date+time.

    Sample use cases:

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the date/time an issue entered the Approval status for the first time

    • Create a Status entered on date/time custom field type, First Approved on, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Edit Statuse(s) to look for.

    • Select the Approval status.

    • Select Earliest from Which transition execution field

    • Click on Save

    Time in status custom field type

    Calculated Time in status custom field type represents a duration and is displayed either as a duration String or as a number in a Long format representing the number of seconds.

    Sample use cases:

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the time spent in the Pull request status

    • Create a Time in status custom field type, Time in Pull request, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Edit Statuse(s) to look for.

    • Select the statuses you would like the calculated field to look for.

    • Click on Save.

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the total resolution time for a ticket in an error banner if the time spent is more than 3 days

    • Create a Time in status custom field type, Total resolution time, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Edit Statuse(s) to look for.

    • Select In Progress from the list of statuse(s)

    • Click on Save.

    • Click on Edit Velocity Template

    • Write the following template

      Code Block
      #if ($value > 252900)
      <div class="aui-banner aui-banner-error">

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the time spent in current status

    • Create a Time in status custom field type, Total resolution time, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Edit Statuse(s) to look for.

    • Select Current Status from the list of statuse(s)

    • Click on Save.

    Transition Caller custom field type

    Transition Caller custom field type returns the user who first/last executed a specific workflow transition and is displayed as a String representing the display name of the user.

    Sample use cases:



     Calculate and display the author who last fixed the issue

    • Create a Transition caller custom field type, Last fixed by, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Edit Transition(s) to look for.

    • Provide the transition name or ID of the transition to Fixed status, either manually or using the Transition picker

    • Click on Add.

    • Click on Save.

    • Select Latest from the Transition Execution field.

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the author who has resolved the issue across different workflows with different transitions.

    • Create a Transition caller custom field type, Last fixed by, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Edit Transition(s) to look for.

    • Click on the Transition picker.

    • Select the workflow name and the transition that leads to the Resolved status

    • Click on Add

    • Repeat the same with all the other transitions that lead to Resolved status.

    • Click on Save.

    • Select Latest from the Transition Execution field.

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the creator of the issue along with his/her username.

    • Create a Transition Caller Custom field type, Owner from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Edit Transition(s) to look for.

    • Provide the Create transition name or ID either manually or using the Transition picker

    • Click on Add.

    • Click on Save.

    • Click on Edit Velocity Template.

    • Input the following template.

      Code Block
      #if ($value)
      	$formattedValue - $
    • Click on Save.

    Transition Callers custom field type

    Transition Callers custom field type rreturns returns the users who triggered a specific workflow transition and is displayed as a String representing the display names of the users.

    Sample use cases:

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the authors who approved the ticket

    • Create a Transition callers custom field type, Approved by, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Edit Transition(s) to look for.

    • Select the "Approve" transition using the Transition picker

    • Click on Add.

    • Click on Save.

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the authors who have Reviewed and Approved the ticket

    • Create a Transition callers custom field type, Reviewed and Approved by, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Edit Transition(s) to look for.

    • Select the "Approve" and "Review" transitions using the Transition picker

    • Click on Add.

    • Click on Save.

    Transition Count custom field type

    Transition Count custom field represents the number of times a specified workflow transition(s) was executed and is displayed as a number in Double format.

    Sample use cases:



     Calculate and count the number of times an issue fix has been rejected

    • Create a Transition Count Custom field type, Rejected, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Edit Transition(s) to look for.

    • Provide the transition name or ID of the transition "Reject" either manually or using the Transition picker

    • Click on Add.

    • Click on Save.

    (lightbulb) Calculate the number of revisions done on a story before moving into development.

    • Create a Transition Count Custom field type, Revisions, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Edit Transition(s) to look for.

    • Provide the transition name or ID of the transition "Needs revision" either manually or using the Transition picker

    • Click on Add.

    • Click on Save.

    Transition Date/Time custom field type

    Transition Date/Time custom field type represents a java.util.Date and is displayed as date+time. 

    Sample use cases:

    (lightbulb) Calculate and display the date/time as a relative time when the issue has been last approved.

    • Create a Transition Date/Time Custom field type, Last Approved on, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Edit Transition(s) to look for.

    • Provide the transition name or ID either manually or using the Transition picker

    • Click on Add.

    • Click on Save.

    • Select Latest from the Transition Execution field.

    • Click on Edit Date Format

    • Select RELATIVE

    • Click on Save



     Calculate and display the "Fix date" when an issue is moved to Fixed/Checked-in status for the first time

    • Create a Transition Date/Time Custom field type, Fix date, from the Custom fields administration page.

    • Click on Edit Transition(s) to look for.

    • Click on the Transition picker.

    • Select the workflow name and the transition that leads to the respective status

    • Click on Add

    • Repeat the same with the other transitions of the workflows.

    • Click on Save.

    • Select Earliest from the Transition Execution field