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This section has use cases which help you understand the usage of the Conditions provided by JMWE.

On this page:


This section has use cases that help you understand the usage of the Conditions provided by JMWE.

On this page:

Table of Contents

Build-your-own (scripted) Condition

This condition can be used to hide/show a transition based on a Jira expression

Sample use cases:

(lightbulb)Only the Reporter of the issue should be able to close the service ticket. 

  • Add the Build-your-own (scripted) condition to the Close issue transition.

  • Write this content in the Jira expression

    Code Block
    user == issue.reporter

(lightbulb) Hide the transition from the current user if he is not in the Approvers field

  • Add the Build-your-own (scripted) condition to the transition you wish to hide

  • Write this content in the Jira expression.

    Code Block
    !! issue.customfield_10002 && issue.customfield_10002.some(it => it == user)

    Replace the custom field id with the id of the Approvers field in your instance

(lightbulb) Block a specific transition when the Time to resolution is breached.

  • Add the Build-your-own (scripted) condition to the transition you wish to hide

  • Write this content in the Jira expression.

    Code Block
    !! issue.customfield_10102 && (!issue.customfield_10102.ongoingCycle || !issue.customfield_10102.ongoingCycle.breached)

    where customfield_10101 is the id of the Time to resolution field.

(lightbulb) Prevent the users from "Return/Exchange" on the purchase order after 15 days from the item delivery date

  • Add the Build-your-own (scripted) condition to the transition "Return/Exchange"

  • Write this content in the Jira expression.

  • Code Block
    new Date().minusDays(15) < issue.created

(lightbulb) Enable the "Start Progress" only on issues in the current sprint

  • Add the Build-your-own (scripted) validator to the Start Progress transition.

  • Name the validator as “Check Sprint”

  • Write the following script in Jira expression field

    Code Block
    !!issue.sprint && issue.sprint.state == "active"

(lightbulb) Ensure at least one pdf file is attached before the issue can be transitioned

  • Add the Build-your-own (scripted) validator to the Start Progress transition.

  • Name the validator as “Check attachments”

  • Write the following script in Jira expression field

    Code Block
    issue.attachments.filter(attachment => attachment.mimeType == 'application/pdf').length > 0

(lightbulb) Show transition “Reject” only for users of the “Management” project role and “jira-administrators” group

  • Add the Build-your-own (scripted) validator to the Reject transition.

  • Name the validator as “Current user Project Role and Group”

  • Write the following script in Jira expression field

    Code Block
    user.getProjectRoles(issue.project).some(pr => == "Management") || user.groups.includes("jira-administrators")

Current Status Condition

This condition can be used to hide/show a particular transition from the list of available workflow actions, based on the current status of the issue. 

Sample use cases:


(lightbulb) Disable a global transition from certain statuses

  • Add the Current status condition to the transition.

  • Select the statuses from which the Global transition should be enabled from the Current Status field.

(lightbulb) Block issue transition from current status to itself




  • Add


  • the Current status condition


  •  to all the transitions of the workflow, the issue follows.

  • On each condition select all the status(es) from


  • the Current Status


  •  field except the


(lightbulb) Allow users to transition the issue to Approve status only when the issue is in Verified status




  • destination status of the current transition

(lightbulb) Block transition to 'On Hold' status when the issue is in 'Closed' status






  • Add the Current status condition


  •  to the transition "On Hold".

  • Select all the status(es) applicable to the current issue, except the 'On Hold' status.

Linked Issues Condition

This condition can be used to hide/show a particular transition from the list of available transitions, based on the issue's linked issues. 

Sample use cases:


(lightbulb) Hide the transition "Triage" until at least one assigned subtask is available for the issue



  • Add


  • the Linked Issue


  • condition to the "Triage"


  •  transition.

  • Select the issue link


  • type is Parent Of


  •  from the Issue Link Type


  •  field.

  • Select the issue type as Sub-task

  • Select the option "At least one linked issue must satisfy the condition below"

  • Input the Jira expression:

    Code Block
    linkedIssue.assignee !=null



 Hide the "Start Progress" transition on a ticket when there is


an issue linked to it through the “is blocked by” link type




  • Add


  • the Linked Issue


  • condition to the "Start Progress" transition.

  • Select the issue link


  • type is blocked by from the Issue Link Type field.

  • Select the option "Every linked issue must satisfy the condition below"

  • Input the Jira expression:

    Code Block

(lightbulb) For a parent of issue type “Story” hide the In Progress transition until all its subtasks are in “In Progress”

  • Add the Linked Issue condition to the "Start Progress" transition of the workflow.

  • Select the issue link type is Parent Of from the Issue Link Type field.

  • Select the option "Every linked issue must satisfy the condition below"

  • Input the Jira expression:

    Code Block


  • != "Story" || == "In Progress"

Linked Issues Status Condition

This condition can be used to hide/show a particular transition from the list of available transitions, based on the status of the issue's linked issues. 

Sample use cases:


(lightbulb) Hide the "Close" transition of the Epic until all its Stories are closed.



  • Add


  • the Linked Issue Status


  • condition to


  • the Close


  •  transition.


  • Select is Epic of


  •  as the Issue Link

  • Select the "Closed" status


  • from Statuses

(lightbulb) Prevent the user from resolving the ticket, if there are any unresolved bugs associated to it.



  • Add


  • the Linked Issue Status


  • condition to


  • the Resolve transition.


  • Select is blocked by


  •  as the Issue Link Type


  • Select Bug


  •  as the Issue Type

  • Select the "Resolved" status


Build-your-own (scripted) Condition

This condition can be used to hide/show a transition based on a Jira expression

Sample use cases:

(lightbulb) Only the Reporter of the issue should be able to close the service ticket. 




Write this content in the Jira expression.

Code Block
user == issue.reporter

(lightbulb) Hide the transition from the current user if he does not belong to the Approvers




Write this content in the Jira expression.

Code Block
issue.customfield_10100.some(it => it == user)

(lightbulb) Block a specific transition when the Time to resolution is breached.

  • Add the Scripted (Jira expression) condition to the transition you wish to hide
  • Write this content in the Jira expression.

    Code Block
    !issue.customfield_10102.ongoingCycle || !issue.customfield_10102.ongoingCycle.breached

    where customfield_10101 is the id of the Time to resolution field.

(lightbulb) Prevent the users from "Return/Exchange" on the purchase order after 15 days from the item delivery date




Write this content in the Jira expression.


  • from Statuses