Versions Compared


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This tutorial will guide you through writing Groovy scripts that access a field of an issue, compare it with another value, and perform an action based on the outcome. 


Note that you need not create a new condition/post-function/validator for the tutorials. The imported backup has everything in place.

On this page:

Table of Contents


2.1 Perform an action based on the value of a field





Perform an action when the value of the field is equal to a specific value

This section of the tutorial guides you through writing a conditional statement that compares the value of a field against a Stringvariable. Imagine a functional use case where you want to allow the progress on an issue only when the issue is assigned to the logged-in userFor this, you will need a Groovy condition in the Scripted (Groovy) condition with a Groovy script to compare the username of the Assignee and the logged-in user. 

Writing the script

Step 1 - Navigate to the condition

  1. Go to the Administration

     icon Image Removed and

     icon and click on it.

  2. Go to Issues - > Workflows

  3. Locate the workflow GIJ:


     Task Management Workflow

  4. Edit it

  5. Click on


    transition Start Progress

  6. Go to


    the Conditions



  7. Edit the Scripted (Groovy) condition which is the first condition in the list.

Step 2 - Write the script in the condition

  1. Write the following script in


     Groovy script.

    Code Block
    issue.get("assignee")?.name ==

    Line 1 :  Using the get()


    method to access the assignee of the issue. 

                  Using the


    direct field access operator (.name)


     to retrieve the field instead of calling the getter (getName())

  2. Your configuration should look like this:

    Image Removed

Step 3 - Test your script

  1. Click on Test Groovy Script.

  2. Input the issue key GIJ-2

  3. Click on Test

  4. The following result will be displayed.

  5. Image RemovedImage Added

Step 4 - Save the configuration

  1. Click on Update

  2. Publish the workflow (you don't need to save a backup copy).

Step 5 - Test it on an issue

  1. View the issue GIJ-2 in a new tab.

  2. Check that the transition Start Progress is not available

    for a trigger

    on the issue GIJ-2.

  3. Click on Assign to me, to assign it to the logged-in user


  4. Check that the transition Start Progress is now available

    for a trigger

    on the issue GIJ-2. 

Use cases

You can use this script in any other relevant context, such as allowing allowing only the Reporter of the issue to close the issue.



Perform an action when the value of the field is not equal to a specific value

This section of the tutorial guides you through writing a conditional statement that compares the value of a field against not being equal to a specific value. Imagine a functional use case where you want to allow the creation of an issue only if when the Reporter issue is not the Assignee of the issueassigned to the Reporter. For this, you will need a Groovy validator in the Scripted (Groovy) validator to check whether  with a Groovy script to compare the Reporter and Assignee are same or not.

Writing the script

Step 1 - Navigate to the condition

  1. Go to the Administration icon Image Removed and click on it.
  2. Go to Issues - > Workflows
  3. Locate the workflow GIJ: Task Management Workflow
  4. Edit it

    Edit the workflow in Diagram mode

  5. Click on


    transition Create

  6. Go to

    the Validator tab

    the Validators tab

  7. Edit the Scripted (Groovy) validator which is the second validator


    on the list.

Step 2 - Write the script in the validator

  1. Write the following script in


     Groovy script.

    Code Block
    issue.get("reporter") != issue.get("assignee")

    Line 1 :  Using != operator to compare the Reporter and Assignee of the issue

  2. Your configuration should look like this:

    Image RemovedImage Added

Step 3 - Test your script

  1. Click on Test Groovy Script.

  2. Input the issue key GIJ-1

  3. Click on Test

  4. The following result will be displayed.

  5. Image RemovedImage Added

Step 4 - Save the configuration

  1. Click on Update

  2. Publish the workflow (you don't need to save a backup copy).

Step 5 - Test it on an issue

  1. Create an issue


  2. In the Assignee field, click on Assign to me.

  3. Click on on “Create”

  4. An error message "Reporter and Assignee cannot be the same" will be displayed, blocking you from creating the issue.

  5. Clear the Assignee.

  6. Click on Create.

  7. The issue will be created successfully.



Perform the same action for two different values of a field

This section of the tutorial guides you through writing a condition to test for two different values of a field and perform the same action based on the result. Imagine you want to assign the issue to the Project lead Lead when the priority of an issue is Critical or HighestFor this, you will need to write a Groovy condition in the Conditional execution section of a Set field value post-function. The condition should return true if the priority Priority of the issue is either Critical or Highest.

Writing the script

Step 1 - Navigate to the post-function

  1. Re-edit the workflow in Diagram mode.

  2. Click on transition Create

  3. Go to

    the Post

    the Post-

    functions tab

    functions tab

  4. Edit the Set field value post-function which is the second post-function in the list.

Step 2 - Write the script in the editor

  1. Write the following script in the editor of the Conditional execution section.

    Code Block
    if(issue.getAsString("priority") == "Critical" || issue.getAsString("priority") == "Highest"){
      return true
      return false

    Line 1 : Using the getAsString() method to return the String representation of the value.

                  Using the or operator (||) to compare two Strings. 



    1 & 4  Using the if-else method to return true if the condition passes and false if it fails

  2. Your

    script will

    configuration should look like this:

    Image RemovedImage Added

Step 3 - Test your script

  1. Click on Test Groovy Script.

  2. Input the issue key GIJ-3

  3. Click on Test

  4. The following result will be displayed. 

  5. Image RemovedImage Added

Step 4 - Simplify your script

You can simplify the script removing the if-else structure and returning the result of the comparison which is a Groovy true or false

  1. Go to the Groovy editor

  2. Replace the script with the following code:

    Code Block
    issue.getAsString("priority") ==in ["Critical" || issue.getAsString("priority") == ,"Highest"

    Line 1 : Removing the if-else and returning the result of the comparision. 

Step 5 - Retest your script

  1. Click on Test again.
  2. The following result will be displayed. 
  3. Image Removed
  1. ]

Step 5 - Retest your script

  1. Click on Test again.

  2. The following result will be displayed. 

  3. Image Added

Step 6 - Save the configuration

  1. Click on Update

  2. Publish the workflow (you don't need to save a backup copy).

Use cases

You can use this script in any other relevant context, such as , all newly created issues with Critical or Highest priority should transition to the Waiting for approval status instead of Open status.



Perform different actions for different values of a field

This section of the tutorial guides you through writing multiple conditions to perform different actions based on different values of a single-select or a Radio button field. Imagine you want to set the priority Priority of the issue based on the Impact of the issue specified by the issue creator. For this, you will need to write a switch control structure in the Value field of the Set field value post-function to set the Priority based on the selected Impact.

Writing the script

Step 1 - Navigate to the post-function

  1. Go back to the previous tab.
  2. Edit

    Re-edit the workflow in Diagram mode.

  3. Click on the Create transition

  4. Click on Post-functions tab.

  5. Edit the third post-function in the list.

Step 2 - Write the script in the post-function

  1. Write the following script in Value.

    Code Block
  2. linenumberstrue
  3. switch (issue.getAsString("Impact")) {
     case "Company wide" : return "Highest";
     case "More than one project" : return "High"
     case "Single project" 
  4. ||
  5. : case "Individual" : return "Medium"
      default : return "Medium"

    Line 1 :

  6. switch
  7. Switch control structure to handle different conditions

    Line 4 : Fall through cases sharing the same code for multiple matches.

  8. Your

  9. script will
  10. configuration should look like this:

  11. Image Removed
  12. Image Added

Step 3 - Test your script

  1. Click on Test Groovy Script.

  2. Input the issue key GIJ-3

  3. Click on 

  4. The following result will be displayed.
  5. Image Removed
  6. Test

  7. The following result will be displayed.

  8. Image Added

Step 4 - Save the configuration

  1. Click on Update

  2. Publish the workflow (you don't need to save a backup copy).

Use cases

You can use this script in any relevant context, such as, as setting the priority of the issue to based on the Component/s of the issue.



Perform an action for a specific value of a multi-valued field

This section of the tutorial guides you through writing a condition to check for a specific value of a multi-valued field and perform an action based on the outcome. Imagine you want to send an Email notification to the Project lead Lead of the issue when the customer selects Not satisfied in the feedback form while closing the issue. For this, you will need a condition in the Conditional execution of the Email issue post-function to send an Email only when the option Not satisifedsatisfied is selected in the Feedback custom field.

Writing the script

Step 1 - Navigate to the post-function

  1. Re-edit the workflow

  2. Click on the Reopen transition

  3. Click

    on Post

    on Post-functions tab.

  4. Edit the Email issue post-function which is the first in the list.

Step 2 - Write the script in the post-function

  1. Write the following script

  2. in the
  3. in the Conditional execution.

    Code Block
  4. linenumberstrue
  5. issue.get("Feedback").any {
      it.getValue() == "Not satisfied"}

    Line 1: Using any to return true if any

  6. of
  7. the

  8. element has the specified value
  9. specified option has been selected

    Line 2 : Using closure and an implicit parameter (it)

Step 3 - Test your script

  1. Click on Test Groovy Script.

  2. Input the issue key GIJ-4

  3. Click

    on Test
  4. The following result will be displayed.
  5. Image Removed
  6. on Test

  7. The following result will be displayed.

  8. Image Added

Step 4 - Save the configuration

  1. Click on Update

  2. Publish the workflow (you don't need to save a backup copy).

Use cases

You can use this script in any relevant context, such as , Escalate the issue only when the issue has been Flagged.



Perform an action based on the number of selected elements of a multi-valued field

This section of the tutorial guides you through writing a condition to check the number of selected elements of a multi-valued field and perform an action based on the outcome. Imagine you want to limit a user to select a minimum of one and a maximum of three books for rent from a Library Inventory management. For this you will need a condition in the Scripted (Groovy) Validator to count the number of options selected in the Books field on the Rent Books form while renting the books.

Writing the script

Step 1 - Navigate to the post-function

  1. Re-edit the workflow.
  2. Click on the Rent Books transition
  3. Click on Validators
  4. Edit the Email issue () post-function in the list.

Step 2 - Write the script in the post-function

Write the following script in the Conditional execution.

Code Block
issue.get("Books").size() >= 1 && issue.get("Books").size() <=3

Line 1 : Using size() method to return the number of selected books

              && operator to handle a minimum and maximum value


Step 3 - Test your script

  1. Click on Test Groovy Script.
  2. Input the issue key GIJ-9
  3. Click on Test
  4. The following result will be displayed.
  5. Image Removed

Use cases

You can use this script in any relevant context, such as, Block the user from providing more than one version in the Fix Version/s


2.6 Perform an action for values of a multi-valued field that satisfies a condition

This section of the tutorial guides you through performing an action for values of a multi-value field that satusy a condition. 


, you will need a condition in the Scripted (Groovy) Validator to count the number of options selected in the Books field on the Rent Books form while renting the books.

Writing the script

Step 1 - Navigate to the post-function

  1. Re-edit the workflow.

  2. Click on the Rent Books transition

  3. Click on Validators tab.

  4. Edit the first Scripted (Groovy) validator in the list

Step 2 - Write the script in the post-function

  1. Write the following script in the Groovy script.

    Code Block
    issue.get("Books").size() >= 1 && issue.get("Books").size() <=3

    Line 1 : Using size() method to return the number of selected books

                  && operator to check for a minimum and maximum value

  2. Your configuration should look like this:

    Image Added

Step 3 - Test your script

  1. Click on Test Groovy Script.

  2. Input the issue key GIJ-4

  3. Click on Test

  4. The following result will be displayed.

  5. Image Added

Step 4 - Save the configuration

  1. Click on Update

  2. Publish the workflow (you don't need to save a backup copy).

Use cases

You can use this script in any relevant context, such as Block the user from providing more than one version in the Fix Version/s and Affects Version/s


Perform an action based on the values of two fields

This section of the tutorial guides you through writing a condition to check for the values of two fields and perform an action based on the outcome. Imagine a functional use case where you want to assign the issue to Joe Smith and set the priority to Critical, only when a Bug is created by John Carter. For this, you need to add the Scripted (Groovy) post-function to the Create transition to check the issue type, the reporter, and then assign the issue. You can do this by:

Adding two Set field value post-functions (Recommended)


Step 1 - Navigate to the post-function


  1. Re-edit the workflow.

  2. Click on the Create transition

  3. Click on Post-functions tab.

  4. Add a Set field value post-function.

  5. Select the "Assignee" field

  6. Select "Groovy template" as the "Value Type"

  7. Input the following in the Value field:

    Code Block

Step 2 - Write the script in the


conditional execution

  1. Select "Conditional Execution" option

  2. Write the following script


  1. in the Condition.

    Code Block


  1. issue.


  1. == "Bug" && issue.


(1) any - returns true if any element has the specified value

(2) A closure using an implicit parameter (it)

Step 3 - Test your script

  1. Click on Test Groovy Script.
  2. Input the issue key GIJ-5
  3. Click on Test
  4. The following result will be displayed.
  5. Image Removed

Use cases

You can use this script in any relevant context, such as, Escalate the issue only when the issue has been flagged.


2.6 Perform an action based on the values of two fields

This section of the tutorial guides you through writing a condition to check for values of two fields and perform an action based on the outcome.


  1. == "jcarter"

    Line 1 : Condition checking the values of two fields using the && operator

Step 3 - Navigate to the post-function

  1. Add a Set field value post-function.

  2. Select the "Priority" field

  3. Select "Groovy template" as the "Value Type"

  4. Input the following in the Value field:

    Code Block

Step 4 - Write the script in the conditional execution

  1. Select "Conditional Execution" option

  2. Write the following script in the Condition.

    Code Block
    languagegroovy == "Bug" && == "jcarter"

    Line 1 : Condition checking the values of two fields using the && operator

Step 5 - Test your script

  1. Click on Update.

  2. Publish the workflow (you need to take a back up)

  3. Create a Bug in GIJ project.

  4. Check the Assignee and Priority of the issue after the issue creation.

Adding the Scripted Groovy post-function



Step 1 - Navigate to the post-function


  1. Re-edit the workflow.

  2. Click on the


  1. Create transition

  2. Click


  1. on Post-functions tab.

  2. Edit the


  1. fourth post-function


  1. on the list.

Step 2 - Write the script in the post-function

  1. Write the following


  1. script in the Groovy script.

    Code Block


issue.get("Books").size() > 1 && issue.get("Books").size() <=3

(1) any - returns true if any element has the specified value


  1. if( == "Bug" && == "jcarter"){

Line 1 : Condition checking the values of two fields using the && operator

Line 2 and 3 : Using setFieldValue method of the Issue interface to set a field value

Step 3 - Test your script


  1. Click on Update.

  2. Publish the workflow (you need to take a back up)

  3. Create a Bug in GIJ project.

  4. Check the assignee of the issue and the priority after the issue creation.

Use cases

You can use this script implement one of these approaches in any relevant context, such as , Escalate the issue only when the issue has been flagged.



Set the Severity of the issue based on the priority and resolution of the issue.
