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Filters are essentially functions that can be applied to variables. Filters are called with a pipe operator (|) and can take arguments. This document details custom Nunjucks filters created for JMWE.


{{ issue.fields.comment.comments | last | commentProperty("sd.public.comment") | field("internal") }} returns true if the latest comment of the issue is a Jira Service Desk "internal" comment.


{{ issue.fields.reporter | emailAddress}} returns the email address of the Reporter. 

{{ issue.fields.Approvers | emailAddress}} returns an array of the emails of the issue's Approvers.


{{issue | epic("status") | field("") returns the name of the status of the Epic.


{% set stories = issue | epic("key") | stories("status") %} creates a variable 'stories' that holds all stories of the parent Epic of the current issue (i.e. the current issue and all its sibling stories), limiting the fields returned for each story.


{{ issue.fields['MWEC_Check'] | filter({value:"Option 1"}) }} filters the options, for an option with value Option 1 and returns an array containing that option.


{{ issue.fields['MWEC_Check'] | find({value:"Option 1"}) }} finds for the first option with the value Option 1 and returns the option.


Note: For better performance, it is recommended to specify the fields to return, whenever possible.


The isActiveUser filter is a custom Nunjucks filter that returns true if the user exists and is active. The user, provided as input to the filter, can be either an accountId or a user object.

For example:

{{issue.fields.reporter | isActiveUser}} returns true if the Reporter of the issue is still active.


The isInGroup filter is a custom Nunjucks filter that returns true if the user is in the specified group name (passed as a parameter to the filter). The user, provided as input to the filter, can be either a an accountId or a user object.

For example:

{{ currentUser | isInGroup("jira-administrators") }} returns true if the current user is in the "jira-administrators" group.


{{ issue | issueProperty("") }} returns the value of the "" property of the current issue


This is a custom Nunjucks filter that parses a JSON string and returns the resulting JavaScript Object.

For example:

{% set myObj = '{"f1":"val"}' | JSONparse %}
{{ myObj.f1 }} outputs val


linkedIssues is a custom Nunjucks filter that returns an array of the issues linked to the current issue, optionally specifying one or more issue link type name(s) as they appear on the issue.


{{ issue | linkedIssues('blocks', ['status','summary']) }} returns an array of issues linked with the 'blocks' link type, with only the Summary and Status fields. 


{{ issue | membersOfInitiative("assignee") | last | field("fields.assignee.accountId") }} returns the accountId of the user the last epic belonging to the Initiative is assigned to. 

{{ issue | membersOfInitiative("key") | join(",","key") }} returns the issuekey of all epics of the Initiative, separated by a comma.


The optionID filter is a custom Nunjucks filter that returns the Option ID (numerical ID) of an Option value applicable to a select-type field implemented by third party add-ons, such as the Tempo' s Team and Account fields. The filter is applied to a string representing an Option value and takes the fieldNameOrID as a parameter. 

For example:

{{ "Account 1" | optionID("Account") }} returns the numerical ID of the Account whose name is "Account 1"

{{ "Shared Team" | optionID("customfield_14589") }} returns the numerical ID of the Tempo team whose name is "Shared Team"


Note that this filter can be slow. When setting the field to a constant value, it is, therefore, preferable to directly input the numerical ID in the post-function configuration, which you will get by running the Nunjucks expression above in the Nunjucks Tester.


The organizationID filter is a custom Nunjucks filter that returns the Jira Service Desk Organization numerical ID of one or more Organization(s). The filter is applied to a string representing an Organization name, or to an array of Organization names.


{{ parentIssue | projectInfo | field("roles") | dump(2) }} returns the project roles of the project the parent issue and dumps it in "pretty" JSON format, using 2 spaces as indentation.

{{ "TEST" | projectInfo | field("components") | find({name:"A"}) | field("lead.accountId") }} returns the accountId of the component lead of component "A" of project "TEST"


remoteLinks is a custom Nunjucks filter that returns an array of all remote links (for example a Confluence page or an issue in another Jira instance) from the issue. It applies to an issue object or an issue key. 


For example: 

{{ issue | stories }} returns an array of the stories associated with the Epic. 


{{ issue | stories("key") | join(",","key") }} returns the issuekey of all stories of the Epic, separated by a comma.


This is a custom Nunjucks filter that converts a multi-line text value to html, as expected in the html body in the Email Issue post-function. The newlines are converted to paragraphs and html tags are escaped. The input for the filter is either a multi-line text or a multi-line text field.
