Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

When running Groovy scripts, JMCF makes contextual information available to your script through built-in variables and functions. This document details them. Note that you can also define custom variables in your Groovy script.

On this page:

Table of Contents

Variables availability

The variables in JMCF are available on the custom field configuration screen when you write a Groovy script in the Groovy Formula field to return a value expected by a calculated custom field.


Variable nameTypeDescription



The issue variable points to the current issue being processed.

value175211280StringThe value of the calculated field
textutils175211280TextUtilstextutils is a utility object of class TextUtils providing useful methods to manipulate text and HTML
log175211280LoggerThe log variable is a Logger instance that writes into atlassian-jira.log (useful for debugging)
numberTool175211280NumberToolNumberTool instance that can be used to format number values.


The value represents the value of the calculated field returned by the Groovy script in the custom field configuration. This is applicable only while customizing the display of a Calculated (Scripted) Number custom field type to format it using the numberTool 175211280 variable. The data type of the variable is a Double.  


The numberTool variable is a NumberTool instance that can be used to format the value of the calculated field returned by the Groovy script in the custom field configuration. This is applicable only while customizing the display of a Calculated (Scripted) Number custom field type to format it.  

For example: If the value of a calculated number custom field is 22 you can format it using the numberTool variable available in the Groovy editor of the Format Expression field.


The value is formatted to $40.

To add an IMG tag to display an icon to the left of the number:

Code Block
"<img src='/images/icons/priority_trivial.gif'> "+numberTool.format(value);


The textutils variable is a utility object of class TextUtils providing useful methods to manipulate text and HTML


So when the issue is unassigned, the warning message is displayed in the atlassian-jira.log file.

Custom variables

In addition to the above variables, you can also define your own variables in the Groovy script.

For example, Condition to check whether the Fix Version/s has a particular version.


Variable nameTypeDescription
issueObjectIssueDeprecated. The issueObject variable is a synonym for the issue variable.


Functions availability

The functions in JMCF are available on the custom field configuration screen when you write a Groovy script in the Groovy Formula field to return a value expected by a calculated custom field.

Available functions

Function Name
jqlSearch("<JQL expression>", <maxResults>)List<Issue>Search for issues using JQL

getComponent(Class interface)175211280

Component/ServiceGlobal function to get a Component/Service from Jira or any loaded add-on

jqlSearch("<JQL expression>", <maxResults>)

jqlSearch("<JQL expression>", <maxResults>) is a simple function that you can use to search for issues using a JQL. The function expects the following:

  • JQL expression: JQL query
  • maxResults: maximum number of issues to return

When you pass a valid JQL query and number of issues, the function returns a List<Issueof issues that match the JQL.

Example: Calculate the Story points of all issues of a specific project and display them on the current issue as Total Story points.

Code Block
issueCount = ComponentAccessor.getIssueManager().getIssueCountForProject("<Project ID>")
issues = jqlSearch("project = TP and cf[10006] >= 0",issueCount.intValue())
storyPoints = 0
  storyPoints += it.get("Story Points")

getComponent(Class interface)

getComponent(Class interface) is a global function to get a Component/Service from Jira or any loaded add-on. The function expects a Class interface as the parameter.

Code Block
import com.atlassian.greenhopper.service.rapid.view.RapidViewService
def RapidViewService = getComponent(RapidViewService);

Some more examples:

Code Block
def issueManager = getComponent(com.atlassian.jira.issue.IssueManager.class)

Code Block
def SprintService = getComponent(com.atlassian.greenhopper.service.sprint.SprintService.class)

secondsBetween(Date from, Date to)

secondsBetween(<Date from>, <Date to>) is a global function that returns a Long representing the number of seconds between two Date objects. It returns null if one of the two parameters is null. For example:

  • Code Block
    secondsBetween(issue.created, issue.duedate)

    returns the number of seconds between the issue creation and the due date.

  • Code Block
    secondsBetween(issue.created, new Date()) 

    returns the number of seconds from the issue creation to now.

secondsBetween(Date from, Date to, String roundTo)

secondsBetween(<Date from>, <Date to>, String roundTo) is a global function that returns a Long representing the number of seconds between two Date objects optionally rounding the number of seconds to the nearest minute, hour, day or week. It returns null if one of the two parameters is null.

<roundTo>is either "max" or one of "weeks", "days", "hours", "minutes" (or their equivalent: "w", "d", "h", "m"). If the rounding is "max", it will be rounded to the largest unit reached by the duration. For example:

  • If secondsBetween(issue.created, issue.duedate) returns 2 hours 51 minutes,

    Code Block
    secondsBetween(issue.created, issue.duedate, "max")

    will be rounded to 10800 seconds (3*60*60 seconds) and will be displayed as 3 hours.

  • If secondsBetween(issue.created, issue.duedate) returns 65328 seconds

    Code Block
    secondsBetween(issue.created, issue.duedate, "h")

    will be rounded and displayed as 64800 seconds