Botron Configuration Manager for Jira is used to transfer Jira configuration and data between different Jira servers. This article lists support to the migration of the workflows containing JMWE conditions, validators and post-functions with minimal effort using Botron Configuration Manager.

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Before migrating from one instance to another make sure you have the same version of JMWE and Configuration Manager on both the instances. 


Except for the following cases, most of JMWE configuration is migrated by Botron without any disruption:

  • Groovy templates that have a reference to the custom field by their Id’s are not modified

  • Shared Groovy scripts are not migrated to the destination instance. Note, this might be implemented in the future.

  • Scripts that have a reference to the IssueConstants (like Resolution, Priority, etc) by their ID will not be replaced. For example, Set field value post-function that returns the Id, 10008to set the priority of the issue will not be replaced to Id of the Priority object created in the new instance.

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