This article explains how to copy remote links of the current issue to the new issue in Create issue(s) (JMWE app) post-function, using callJira filter.


  1. Navigate to the desired workflow transition and add “Create issue(s) (JMWE app)” post-function.

  2. Fill in the required details.

  3. Select the checkbox “Add a comment to the current issue” and input the below template:

    {% for link in issue | remoteLinks %}
    {% set dummy = "/rest/api/2/issue/:issue/remotelink" | callJira(verb="post",params={"issue":newIssueKey},body=link) %}
    {% endfor %}

This will copy the remote links on the current issue to the newly created issue. Note that no comment will be added to the current issue since the template returns nothing. 
