This article explains how to receive the last comment made on the issue in the transition screen in the email notification using Email Issue Post-function.

Use case: The last comment made on the issue should add while sending an email on a transition of the workflow.


  1. Navigate to the intended workflow to make the necessary changes in the edit mode.

  2. Select the required transition.

  3. Select the Post functions tab and click Add post function.

  4. Select Email issue from the list of post-functions.

  5. Click on Add to add the post-function on the transition.

  6. Add the below post function.

  7. Add the below code in the Text Body.

    <% if (transientVars.comment) { %>
    A reply has been recieved on ${issue.key}:
    <% } %>
  8. Publish the workflow.

  9. Add the comment in the issue during transition. It will send the email as shown below