This article explains how to link the parent of the current sub-task to the new issue in Create / Clone issue(s) (JMWE app) post-function.

(blue star) Instructions

  1. Navigate to the workflow where you wish to make changes and switch to edit mode.

  2. Select the transition you wish to edit.

  3. Select the Post functions tab and click Add post function.

  4. Add the “Create / Clone issue(s) (JMWE app)” post-function.

  5. Fill in your required details.

  6. Under the Post-creation script section, select the checkbox Run a Groovy script after the issue is created checkbox and then enter the following in Post-creation script text box:

    	newIssue.linkIssue("relates to",issue.parentObject)

Note: You should replace “relates to” with whatever link type you wish to use.

Now, when the transition is executed on the sub-task, a new issue is created with your configured details and then linked to the current sub-task's parent.


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