
JIRA Misc Workflow Extensions Plugin provides you with a set of extensions to the JIRA workflows. These extensions customize the JIRA workflows using the features like Conditions, Validators and Post functions. You can apply these features to a normal JIRA workflow and tailor it.

Learn more from: Features in the plugin


The objective of this document is to give you a detailed explanation on how to Install and use the plugin. After reading this document you will be able to Install the plugin in your local server, uninstall it (if needed) and customize JIRA workflows using the features provided in the plugin.


This document is intended for JIRA administrator users. 

This document covers the following sections.

Page NameDescription

JIRA Misc Workflow Extensions Plugin documentation

Describes the audience with the scope and the objective of the document


Documentation Conventions

This table below lists the document conventions used in this guide.

MonospaceInput Field names
Bold and >

Menu Selection

BoldMenu and Sub Menu
ItalicJIRA Misc Workflow Extensions Plugin
First letter capitalStatus and Transition




Block of code

Important information

Tips, Warnings, suggestions and additional information