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A workflow post-function that creates a comment on the current issue or issues related to the current issue. The text of the comment to be created can be any simple text or a text with Nunjucks annotations.

To add 'Comment issue(s)' post function to a transition: 

  1. Click Edit for the workflow that has the transition you wish to add the post-function on.

  2. In the Workflow Designer, select the transition.

  3. Click on Post Functions in the properties panel.

  4. Click on Add post function.

  5. Select Comment issue from the list of post-functions.

  6. Click on Add to add the post-function on the transition.

  7. Select the “Target issue” (see below)

  8. Input a comment in the Comment field.
    To input issue or transition or currentUser information in the Comment field see, How to insert information using Nunjucks annotations.

  9. Click on Add to add the post-function to the transition.

  10. After adding, move the post-function to the appropriate position according to Placing post-functions in a transition document.

JMWE shows an error message on the issue view if any error occurs during the execution of the post-function. This message is only displayed if the current user is a Jira administrator. 

When you add this post-function to a transition and trigger the transition, the add-on picks the value entered in the Comment field and adds it as a comment on the target issue(s). The Comment to be created can be any simple text, e.g. This is a comment. You can also use Nunjucks annotations to insert issue, transition and current user information into the comment text, using the 'issue', 'transition' and 'currentUser' variables, respectively. To find out more about the variables, see How to insert information using Nunjucks annotations.

Issue(s) to operate on

Select the issues to operate on. They can be:

  • Current issue: Select this option to add a comment on the current issue. This is the default option.

  • Sub-tasks of the current issue: Select this option to add a comment on each sub-task of the current issue

  • Parent issue of the current sub-task: Select this option to add a comment on the parent of the current issue

  • Issues that belong to the current issue (Epic): Select this option to add a comment on the issues that belong to the current Epic

  • Epic of the current issue: Select this option to add a comment on the parent Epic of the current issue

  • Child issues of the current issue in the Portfolio hierarchy: Select this option to add a comment on the child issues of the current issue in the Portfolio hierarchy

  • Parent issue of the current issue in the Portfolio hierarchy: Select this option to add a comment on the parent issue of the current issue in the Portfolio hierarchy

  • Issues linked to the current issue through any link type: Select this option to add a comment on all issues linked to the current issue

  • Issues linked to the current issue through the following link type: Select this option to add a comment on the issues linked to the current issue through a specific link type. Select the specific link type under “Issue link”

  • Issues returned by the following Nunjucks template: Select this option to add a comment on the issues returned by the result of a Nunjucks template. Input a Nunjucks template which is a comma-separated list of valid issue keys. For example:

    • "TEST-1"

    • "TEST-1","TEST-2"

    • {{ issue.fields.parent.key }}

    • {{ issue.fields.subtasks | join(",", "key") }}

  • Issues returned by a JQL search: Select this option to add a comment on the issues returned by a JQL search. Input a JQL search expression. For example:

    • project = TEST returns issues of the project with the key TEST

    • project = {{ issue.fields.project.key }} and assignee = {{currentUser._accountId}} returns issues of a project that belong to the project with key TEST and the assignee is the current user

    • {% if issue.fields.assignee %}
          assignee = {{issue.fields.assignee._accountId}}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}

      Note that the {% if %} block is necessary to avoid an invalid JQL query when the issue is unassigned. In that case, the template will return a valid JQL query that returns no issue (issuekey=INVALID-1).

Comment visibility

  • Restrict to Group: Restricts the visibility of the comment to a specified group. When you select a valid group name in the Restrict to Group field, the comment will be visible only to the members of the specified group. For no restriction, leave the field blank.

  • Restrict to Project Role: Restricts the visibility of the comment to a selected project role. When you select a project role from the drop-down Restrict to Project Role field, the comment will be visible only to the members of the selected project role. For no restriction, leave the field blank.

  • Restrict to Internal (Jira Service Desk only): Restricts the visibility of the comment to the Service Desk Agents and Collaborators only.

Run As

  • Run as current user: The current user will be the author of the comment created on the issue by the post-function. 

  • Run as add-on user: The add-on user will be the author of the comment created on the issue by the post-function. 

  • Run as this user: Any user selected in this field will be the author of the comment created on the issue by the post-function. 

Conditional execution

To execute this post-function based on the result of a Nunjucks template see Conditional execution.

Delayed execution

Post functions are provided with an option to delay their execution. You need to select the number of seconds to wait until the post-function is run, a default of 1 sec to a maximum of 20 seconds.

Workflows that depend on post functions being executed in a specific order fail due to the asynchronous nature of the Connect post-functions in Jira Cloud. One of the workarounds is to delay the execution of the post-functions and thereby create a more predictable execution order. For example, on the approval of a Story you want to create sub-tasks and immediately transition them; in this case, you will have to delay the execution of the Transition Linked Issues post-function, so that the sub-tasks are created before they are transitioned. See the use case below.

It is recommended to use the Sequence of post-functions post-function or Shared Action post-function post-function to run a list of post-functions in a sequence instead of applying a delay.

Sample use cases for Delayed execution

(lightbulb) On the creation of a Bug, assign it to a member of the QA team and then add the Assignee to the Watchers.

  • Create a QA project role, with the testers as its members.

  • Add the Assign to role member post-function to the transition Create of the Bug workflow.

  • Select QA as the project role to look for.

  • Add the Copy value from field to field post-function to the Create transition of the Bug workflow.

  • Select Assignee as the From field.

  • Select Watchers as the To field.

  • Select the Delayed execution option and select 5 sec from the Delay drop-down.

(lightbulb) On the approval of a Story, create subtasks for Development and QA, and transition them to In Progress status.

  • Add the Create issue post-function to the Approve transition of the Story workflow.

  • Select Same as current issue from the Project field.

  • Select Subtask from the Issue type field.

  • Select Current issue from the Parent issue field.

  • Repeat the above steps for the Development subtask.

  • Add the Transition linked issues post-function to the Approve transition of the Story workflow.

  • Select Issue Link Type as is Parent of.

  • Select the Delayed execution option and select 10 sec from the Delay drop-down.

Use case

A typical use of this workflow post-function is to comment on an issue during a transition. Consider a use where on resolving/closing a ticket you want to comment on the issue a summary of the worklog. To configure it:

  1. Add the Comment issue post-function to the Resolve transition of the issue's workflow.

  2. Write the following content in the Comment section.

    {% set worklogs = issue.fields.worklog.worklogs %}
    {% set count = 1%}
    {% for worklog in worklogs %}
    Worklog {{count}}:
    Started : {{ worklog.started }}
    Time Spent : {{ worklog.timeSpent }}
    Work Description : {{ worklog.comment }}
    {% set count = count + 1 %}
    {% else %}
    No work logged for this issue
    {% endfor %}

  3. Save the post-function

  4. Publish the workflow

See here for more use cases

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