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- Execute a post-function conditionally in all post-functions that have Conditional execution
- Execute a Groovy script against an issue in the Scripted (Groovy) operation on issue
- Execute a condition in the Scripted (Groovy) condition
- Execute a validator in the Scripted (Groovy) validator
- Create the body of the comment in the Comment issue and Comment linked issues post-function
- Calculate a project and a parent issue key, set fields of new issue and add a comment to the current issue in the Create/Clone issue post-function
- Set a field value in the Set field value to a constant or Groovy expression and Set field value of linked issues post-functions.
- Write the Subject, HTML body, Text body and Recipients in the Email issue post-function
- Write JQL search expression with Groovy template markup in the Link issues to the current issue post-function
- Unlink issues from the current issue based on a Groovy condition in the Unlink issues from the current issue post-function
- Test/run Groovy scripts in the admin screen