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A workflow post-function that displays a message on the issue view page to the user triggering the transition. 

The displayed message can be customized using the options (explained below) in the post-function configuration. Here is a sample message on the new issue view. 

Image RemovedImage Added

This will not work on Jira Software boards nor Jira Service Desk customer portals

To add 'Display Message to User' post function to a transition: 

  1. Click Edit for the workflow that has the transition, you wish to add the post-function on.

  2. In the Workflow Designer, select the transition.

  3. Click on Post


    Functions in the properties panel.

  4. Click on Add post function.

  5. Select Display Message to


    User from the list of post-functions.

  6. Click on Add to  to add the post-function on the transition.

    Image Removed
  7. Image Added

    Input a Message title and Message body. To input issue or transition or currentUser information see, How to insert information using Nunjucks annotations.

  8. Click on Add to add the post-function to the transition.

See here for a use case for a post-function.

Known issues common to all post-functions:

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel = "common-issue" and type = "page" and space = "JMWEC"

Troubleshooting this post-function configuration: In case the post-function does not work as expected these are the things to look out for

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel in ( "placing-postfunctions" , "troubleshooting" ) and type = "page" and space = "JMWEC"

JMWE shows an error message on the issue view if any error occurs during the execution of the post-function. This message is displayed only if the current user is a Jira administrator. 

When you add this post-function to a transition and trigger the transition, a message is displayed to the user triggering the transaction, as a “flag” in the top right corner of the issue view page.


 You can also use Nunjucks annotations to insert issue, transition, and current user information into the Message body and Action type, using the 'issue', 'transition' and 'currentUser' variables, respectively. You can customize the post-function using the following options:


Message type

: Select the type of message box ("flag") to display. It can be one of "Info", "Success", "Warning" and "Error".

Auto close

: Select this option if you want the message box to disappear automatically after a few seconds.

You can add an action link to the message which, when clicked, can navigate to another issue or to an arbitrary URL. To add an action link, select the "Add action link" checkbox:

  • Action title: Input the title of the action link that will be displayed at the bottom of the message.

  • Action type: Select the type of action to be performed.

    • Navigate to URL:

    •  Input a text that represents a valid URL or a Nunjucks template that returns a valid URL. For example: 

      Code Block

    • Navigate to another issue:

    •  that returns an issue key. For example:

      Code Block
    • TEST-1

      Code Block

    • {{ issue.fields.parent.key }}

Conditional execution

To execute this post-function based on the result of a Nunjucks template see Conditional execution.

Delayed execution

Include Page
Delayed execution
To delay the execution of this post-function see Delayed execution.
Delayed execution

Use case

A typical use case for this post-function is to display a message on the issue view after a transition. Consider a use case where you want to display a notification message on the issue view if a new issue has been created by the Create Issue(s) post-function with a link to the newly created issue. To configure this:

  • Add the Display Message to User post-function to a transition.

  • Input the "Message title" as New issue created

  • Input the "Message body" as:

    Code Block
    A new ticket has been created.

  • Select the "Message type" as Warning

  • Select the "Action link" option

  • Input the "Action title" as Go to the created issue

  • Select the "Navigate to URL" option

  • Input the URL as

    Code Block{{ issue | issueProperty("jmwe.last.issue.created") }}

The message will be displayed as shown below in the issue view.

Image Added

See here for more use cases