This page lists and explains the options provided in the JMWE Configuration page of the add-on.

On this page:

Default setting for the "Send notifications" option

This setting controls the default value of the "Send notifications" option when adding a new post-function to a transition.

If you have workflows that have been migrated from the "P2" version of JMWE to the new "Connect" version on Sept. 19, 2016, this option also controls the default behavior of the Assign to Role Member and Assign to Last Role Member post-functions. If you did not reconfigure these post-functions after the migration, the default setting above will be used to control whether they should send notifications. You can always override the default behavior by editing the post-function configuration.

View Issue Page Actions

Because of the asynchronous nature of Cloud post-functions, the outcome of JMWE post-functions is generally not visible on the View Issue screen when it is refreshed at the end of a transition. Likewise, no user interaction can be triggered by a post-function.

JMWE for Jira Cloud implements a mechanism that supports triggering actions, such as refreshing the screen or navigating to an issue, after the transition completes, only if the transition was triggered from the View Issue screen. Selecting "Enable View Issue Screen Actions" option enables this mechanism. However, this mechanism increases the load on your Jira Cloud instance. It is therefore disabled by default, and we do not recommend enabling it on heavily-used Jira Cloud instances without making sure it doesn't impact the responsiveness of the Jira user interface.

Auto-refresh Issue

Once View Issue Screen Actions are enabled (explained above), you can make JMWE refresh the View Issue Screen if a change made by a JMWE post-function is detected within 10 seconds after the Transition completes.