This page allows you to create actions with one or more post-functions that can be used in the Shared Action post-function. The page also indicates the workflow transitions where the Shared action is being used. This feature can be used to share the configuration of a single post-function, or of a sequence of post-functions, between multiple transitions and workflows, thereby greatly simplifying the maintenance of your workflows.

On this page:

Create an Action

To create a sequence:

  1. Navigate to the Jira Settings → Apps → Shared actions

  2. Click on "Shared actions"

  3. Click on "New shared action"

  4. Add a name and an optional description

  5. Click on "Add post-function"

  6. Select a post-function

  7. Click on “Add”

  8. Configure the post-function and click on “Save”

  9. Click on “Save”

Edit an action

You can edit the action details and edit/reorder/delete the post-functions of an action.

Edit an action details

  1. Click on “Edit” for the action

  2. Modify the action details

  3. Click on “Save”

Edit a post-function in an action

  1. Click on “Edit” for the action

    1. Click on “Edit” for the specific post-function

    2. Modify the post-function

    3. Click on “Save”

  2. Click on “Save”

Reorder the post-function sequence in an action

  1. Click on “Edit” for the action

    1. Drag the ☰ handle and reorder the post-functions

    2. Click on “Save”

  2. Click on “Save”

Delete a post-function in an action

  1. Click on “Edit” for the action

    1. Click on “Remove” for the post-function

  2. Click on “Save”

Delete an action

Before deleting a shared action, make sure it is not referenced in any Shared Action post-function. 

  1. Click on “Delete” for the action

  2. Click on “OK”

  3. The sequence is deleted.

Passing variables within a sequence

Using the {% setContextVar %} Nunjucks tag, you can pass data from one post-function to its subsequent post-functions.

Variables specific to the Create Issue post-function

You can access the information of a specific issue using the issue filter. For example: To get the assignee of the issue created by the Create issue post-function

{{ transition.context.newIssueKey | issue("assignee") | field("fields.assignee.displayName") }}