A workflow post-function that deletes the current issue and its subtasks if any. 

To add 'Delete issue' post-function to a transition : 

  1. Click Edit for the workflow that has the transition you wish to add the post-function on.
  2. In the Workflow Designer, select the transition.
  3. Click on Post Functions in the properties panel.
  4. Click on Add post function.
  5. Select Delete issue from the list of post-functions.
  6. Click on Add to add the post-function to the transition.
  7. Click on Add to add the post-function to the transition.

Known issues common to all post-functions:

When you add this post-function to a transition and trigger the transition, the add-on deletes the current issue and its subtasks, if any.

Run As

  • Run as current user

The current user will be the user that deletes the new issue.

  • Run as add-on user

The add-on user will be the user that deletes the new issue.

  • Run as this user

Any user selected in this field will be the user that deletes the new issue.

Conditional execution

To execute this post-function based on the result of a Nunjucks template see Conditional execution.

Delayed execution

To delay the execution of this post-function see Delayed execution