A workflow post-function that creates one or more new issue(s). The specifications of the issue(s) to be created can be customized using the options provided.

To add 'Create issue' post-function to a transition : 

  1. Click Edit for the workflow that has the transition you wish to add the post-function on.

  2. In the Workflow Designer, select the transition.

  3. Click on Post Functions in the properties panel.

  4. Click on Add post function.

  5. Select Create issue(s) from the list of post-functions.

  6. Click on Add to add the post-function to the transition.

See here for a use case for this post-function

Known issues common to all post-functions:

Troubleshooting this post-function configuration: In case the post-function does not work as expected these are the things to look out for

Use cases and additional information

JMWE shows an error message on the issue view if any error occurs during the execution of the post-function. This message is displayed only if the current user is a Jira administrator. 

When you add this post-function to a transition and trigger the transition, the add-on creates one or more new issue(s).


Create new issue

  • Project : Project in which the new issue should be created.

    • Same as the current issue:  Creates an issue in the same project as the current issue.

    • Calculated : Creates an issue in a project whose key is the value returned from the Nunjucks template.

    • Projects : Creates an issue in the project selected from the list of projects.

  • Issue type : Issue type of the newly created issue. 
    When the issue type is Sub-task, specify its parent issue in the Parent issue field. 

    • Current issue : The current issue will be the parent of the newly created issue.

    • Another issueAn issue whose key is the value returned from the provided Nunjucks template, will be the parent of the newly created issue.

When the issue type is Calculated, you can type the issue type name or ID or a Nunjucks template returning a valid issue type name or ID in the Nunjucks template editor.

Note that when the issue type is:

  • Epic, you should set the Epic Name field with a value using the Set fields of new issue option (explained below).

  • Story, you might want to add the newly created story to an Epic. In that case, you should add the Epic link field with the key of the Epic as the value in the Set fields of new issue option (explained below)

When the Project is Same as the current project or Calculated the list of issue types contains all the issue types configured in your Jira instance, even though some of them might not apply to that project.

Link to new issue

Links the newly created issue to the current issue, with a link type selected from the list of link types. The default value is "is not linked to", which will not create any link.

Set fields of new issue 

Sets the field values of the newly created issue. The Summary field is added by default since it is required for any issue type.

  • To add a field : Select a field from the list of fields and click on Add.

  • To Remove an added field : Click on Remove to remove a field.

  • To Set a field value : 

    • Copy value from current issue : Copies the field value(s) from the current issue.

    • Set to other field of current issue : Sets the field to the value of another field of the current issue. Say, to set the Reporter of the current issue as the Assignee of the newly created issues.

    • Set field value to : You can set the field to a specific value, which can include Nunjucks annotations.
      For example : To set the Fix Version/s to 2.0, you can specify 2.0 in the value box.

Note that you can now copy the issue links of the current issue to the newly created issue by setting the Linked Issues field to copy the values from the current issue.

Ignore fields that don't apply to the new issue

If you add a custom field(s) above that do not apply to the issue being created (because it is configured to apply only to certain issue types or projects), the post-function will fail (so you can pinpoint the problem). If you want to ignore this error instead, which can be useful if you are creating multiple issues in different projects or of different types, select this option.

Copy comments to new issue(s)

Using this option you can copy the existing comments/newly added comments of the current issue to the newly created issue.

Don't copy any comment to the newly created issue(s): This is the default option. Select this option to not copy comments to the newly created issue

Copy the transition comment to the newly created issue(s): Select this option to copy the comment added on the transition screen to the newly created issue.

Copy all comments from the current issue to the newly created issue(s): Select this option to copy all the comments on the current issue to the newly created issue. Note that restricted comments to which the “Run as user” does not have permissions will not be copied to the newly created issue.

Add comment

Copy the transition comment to the newly created issue(s)

Copies the comment added on the transition screen, if any, to the newly created issue(s)

Add a comment to the current issue

Adds a comment to the current issue.  The Comment can be any simple text, e.g. This is a comment. You can also use Nunjucks annotations in the comment using variables. To find out more about the variables, see How to insert information using Nunjucks annotations.

Note that the newly created issue's key is available in the Nunjucks context as the newIssueKey variable. 

For example : Issue {{newIssueKey}} has been created.

  • Comment visibility

    • Restrict to Group : Restricts the visibility of the comment to a specified group. When you select a valid group name in the Restrict to Group field, the comment will be visible only to the members of the specified group. For no restriction, leave the field blank.

    • Restrict to Project Role : Restricts the visibility of the comment to a selected project role. When you select a project role from the drop-down Restrict to Project Role field, the comment will be visible only to the members of the selected project role. For no restriction, leave the field blank.

    • Restrict to Internal (Jira Service Desk only) : Restricts the visibility of the comment to the Service Desk Agents and Collaborators only.

  • Create comment as

    • Create comment as current user : The current user will be the author of the comment created. This is the default value.

    • Create comment as add-on user : The add-on user will be the author of the comment created.

    • Create comment as this user : Any user selected in this field will be the author of the comment created.

Multiple Issue Creation

By default, the Create issue post-function will create a single new issue, according to the settings above. If you want to create multiple issues at the same time, check the Create multiple issues option. You will then need to provide an iterator script that will control how many issues are created.

Iterator template

The iterator template is a Nunjucks template that must return a comma-separated list of values on which to iterate. This can be either a comma-separated list of Strings, or a JSON array only if you check the "Iterator returns JSON" option below. The post-function will iterate over the list and create one new issue per value. If configured, a new comment will also be added to the current issue for each new issue created. 

Template returning a comma-separated list of Strings

If the iteration template returns: jdoe,tblack then one issue will be created with the it variable containing"jdoe"and then another with the it variable containing"tblack". And if, in the configuration of the post-function, you are setting the "Assignee" field of the newly created issue to the following Nunjucks Template: {{it}} then the first issue will be assigned to jdoe and the second to tblack. And when you test the template the tester will return jdoe.


  • Bug,Task

  • {{issue.fields["Multi-user Picker field"] | join(",","accountId")}} will create one issue per user in the Multi-user Picker field.

  • {{range(1,5)}}will create 4 issues, with the it variable containing numbers from 1 to 4.

Template returning a JSON array

If the iteration template returns a JSON array: [ {"assignee":"jdoe", "summary":"Issue for John Doe"} , {"assignee":"tblack", "summary":"Issue for Tim Black"} ] and you select the "Iterator returns JSON" option, then you'll be able to use {{it.assignee}} as the value for the Assignee field, and {{it.summary}} as the value for the Summary field.


  • {{"jira-administrators" | groupMembers | dump }} with "Iterator returns JSON" option selected will create one issue per user in the 'jira-administrators' group

  • {{issue.fields["Multi-select field"]  | dump }} with "Iterator returns JSON" option selected will create one issue per selected option in the Multi-select field

After issue creation

On selecting "Automatically navigate to the newly created issue" option, the user will automatically be navigated to the new issue created at the end of the transition. This is applicable only when the transition was triggered from the View Issue page. 

(warning)Note that this requires the "Enable View Issue Screen Actions" option on the JMWE Configuration page to be enabled

After the issue creation, the post-function stores

  • the key of the issue it creates in an issue property jmwe.last.issue.created of the current issue (the one on which the post-function runs)  You can retrieve it later using the issueProperty Nunjucks filter. This can be used in other post-functions to refer to the last issue created by the Create issue post-function. If multiple issues are created, then the issue property refers to the last created issue.

  • the key of the original issue in an issue property jmwe-created-from of the newly created issueYou can retrieve it later using the issueProperty Nunjucks filter. This can be used in other post-functions to refer to the issue from which the current issue was created using the Create issue post-function. You can also, use it in the JQL searches using the syntax: issue.property[jmwe-created-from].key = TEST-123

However, there are caveats you need to be aware of:

  • the post-function that reads this property needs to run after the Create Issue post-function finishes. You can ensure it by adding a delay.

  • If two users simultaneously run a transition on the same issue that creates a new issue, only the last issue created will be available in the jmwe.last.issue.created property. So this makes the feature unreliable if you're using the Create Issue post-function on multiple transitions of the same workflow.

Run As

  • Run as current user: The current user will be the user that creates the new issue.

  • Run as add-on user: The add-on user will be the user that creates the new issue.

  • Run as this user: Any user selected in this field will be the user that creates the new issue.

Conditional execution

To execute this post-function based on the result of a Nunjucks template see Conditional execution.

Delayed execution

Use case

A typical use case for this workflow is to create one or more issues during a transition. Consider a use case where you want to create a documentation ticket only if "Needed" is selected in the "Documentation ticket" checkboxes field. To configure this:

  1. Add the Create issue post-function to the transition on whose trigger you want to create a documentation ticket

  2. Select Documentation from the Project field.

  3. Select Document from the Issue type field.

  4. Select caused by in the Link to new issue section.

  5. Add an appropriate Summary (such as Release documentation)

  6. Select the conditional execution and write the following template

{{ issue.fields["Documentation ticket"] | find({"value":"Needed"}) != null }}

See here for more use cases