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Introduction to Nunjucks

Nunjucks is a sophisticated templating engine for JavaScript. It lets you insert dynamic content in any text through the use of templates. A template contains variables and/or expressions, which get replaced with values when a template is rendered; and tags, which control the logic of the template. See here for an overview of the templating features available in Nunjucks.

Nunjucks in JMWE for JIRA Cloud

Nunjucks in JMWE for JIRA Cloud is used to insert information while

  • Setting a field value by a post-function
  • Commenting an issue by a post-function
  • Conditionally executing a post-function

You can insert issue and transition information into the value using the templating features available in Nunjucks. Some basic templating features are described in this document, and more are documented on the  Nunjucks website.



On this page:

Table of Contents

Templating features in Nunjucks

Child pages (Children Display)
pageHow to insert information using Nunjucks annotations


A variable looks up a value from the template context. If you want to insert the value of a variable in your template, you can use the following syntax: {{ myVar }}. This looks up for the myVar variable from the context and displays it. Variable names can have dots in them which look up properties, just like in javascript.

Variables available in JMWE

JMWE makes the issue, transition, linkedIssue, parentIssue, now and currentUser variables available to templates. You can access their properties using "." or "[ ]". For example, you can access the current issue key using {{issue.key}}.

issue variable

The issue variable is used to insert data of the issue being transitioned. You can access the issue data by looking up at its properties.

For example:

{{issue.fields.labels}} returns an array of label values, e.g. [ "1", "2" ]

{{}} returns the username of the reporter, e.g. carter


titleClick here to see some properties of the issue variable






transition variable

The transition variable is used to insert information of the transition being executed.

For example:

{{transition.transitionName}} returns the name of the transition, e.g. Start Progress

{{transition.to_status}} returns the status of the transition, e.g. In Progress


titleClick here to see the properties of the transition variable


linkedIssue variable

The linkedIssue variable, which is only available from post-functions that work on linked issues, is used to insert data of the linked issue being processed by the post-function.

For example:

{{linkedIssue.fields.description}} returns the description of the linked issue being processed.


titleClick here to see the properties of the linkedIssue variable






parentIssue variable

The parentIssue variable, which is only available from post-functions that work on the parent issue, is used to insert data of the parent issue being processed by the post-function.

For example:

{{}} returns the priority of the parent issue being processed.


titleClick here to see the properties of the parentIssue variable







The currentUser variable is used to insert information about the current user, i.e. the user triggering the transition. Only two properties of the current user are available: key and name. 

For example:

{{}} returns the name of the user triggering the transition, e.g. carter

{{currentUser.key}} returns the key of the user triggering the transition, e.g. carter001

now variable

The now variable is used to insert the current date and time. This is useful to save a transition's execution date/time in a custom field. 

For example:

{{now}} returns the current date and time, e.g. 2016-09-30T13:57:23.608Z

User-defined variables

In addition to the above variables, you can also create your own variables within the template using the set Nunjucks tag.

For example:

{% set x = "High" %} sets the value of the variable x to High. You can also set the variable to an object. For example: {% set assignee = issue.fields.assignee %}


Tags are special blocks that perform operations on sections of the template. Nunjucks comes with several built-in tags, such as:


The set tag creates or modifies a variable.

For example:

{% set comments = issue.fields.comment.comments %} sets the comments variable with all the comment objects of the issue.


The if tag tests a condition.

For example:

Code Block
{% if == "Task"}
This is a task
{% endif %} 

returns This is a task if and only if the issue type is "Task".


The for tag iterates over an array of values or objects. 

For example:

Code Block
{% set comments = issue.fields.comment.comments %}
{% for comment in comments %}
{{ comment.body }}
{% endfor %}

iterates over the comments variable and displays each comment body.

You might want to look here for some more built-in tags in Nunjucks.


Filters are essentially functions that can be applied to variables. They are called with a pipe operator (|) and can take arguments. Some examples:


The dump filter dumps an object as a JSON string into the template.

For example:

{{ issue.fields.reporter | dump(2) }} dumps the Reporter user object in "pretty" JSON format, using 2 spaces as indentation.

{{ issue.fields.fixVersions | dump }} dumps the array of Fix Version/s of the issue in un-prettyfied JSON format.


The first filter gets the first value/object in the array.

For example:

{{ issue.fields.fixVersions | first }} returns the first Fix Version/s object of the issue.

{{ issue.fields.labels | first }} returns the first label of the issue.


The last filter gets the last value/object in the array. 

For example:

{{ issue.fields.components | last }} returns the last component object of the issue.

{{ issue.fields.labels | last }} returns the last label of the issue.


The join filter returns a string which is a concatenation of strings. 

For example:

{{ issue.fields.fixVersions | join("," , "name") }} joins the names of the Fix Version/s, separated by commas. For example: 1,1.0,2.0


This is a custom Nunjucks filter that adds (or substracts) hours, days, weeks or months from a date. Its syntax is dateadd(<number>,<units>) where : 

    • <number> is the number of units to add to the date (can be negative)
    • <units> is one of "days", "hours", "weeks" or "months" (or their equivalent: "d", "h", "w", "m")

For example: 

{% set duedate = issue.fields.created | dateadd(2,"w") %} sets the duedate variable to two weeks after the creation date of the issue.


This is a custom Nunjucks filter that offers rich date manipulation and formatting features. For more information, see here.


linkedIssues is a custom Nunjucks filter that returns an array of the issues linked to the issue through a specified issue link type name.

    • If the link type is not specified the filter returns all linked issues except epic, parentIssue, stories and subtasks of the issue.
    • If the specified link type is invalid, an error is logged.

You can access all the fields of a linked issue, similar to the issue object.

For example: 

{{ issue | linkedIssues }} returns the array of linked issues.

{{ issue | linkedIssues | last }} returns the last linked issue.

{{ issue | linkedIssues('blocks') }} returns an array of issues linked to the current issue with 'blocks' link type.

To get the status of the first issue that is blocked by the current issue: {{ issue | linkedIssue('blocks') | first | field("") }}. See below for information on field filter.


epic is a custom Nunjucks filter that returns the Epic of the issue. You can access all the fields of an Epic, similar to the issue object.

For example: 

{{ issue | epic }} returns the Epic of the issue

To get the name of the current issue's Epic: {{ issue | epic | field("fields['Epic Name'].name") }}. See below for information on field filter.


stories is a custom Nunjucks filter that returns an array of stories associated with the issue (which should be an Epic). You can access all the fields of a Story, similar to the issue object.

For example: 

{{ issue | stories }} returns an array of stories of the Epic

Description of the last story associated to the Epic: {{ issue | stories | last | field("fields.description") }}. See below for information on field filter.


parentIssue is a custom Nunjucks filter that returns the Parent of the issue. You can access all the fields of the parent issue, similar to the issue object.

For example: 

{{ issue | parentIssue }} returns the parent of the issue

To get the Epic link of the current issue's parent: {{ issue | parentIssue | field("fields['Epic Link']") }}. See below for information on field filter.


subtasks is a custom Nunjucks filter that returns an array of subtasks associated with the current issue. You can access all the fields of a subtask, similar to the issue object.

For example: 

{{ issue | subtasks }} returns an array of subtasks of the issue

The number of subtasks for an issue: 

Code Block
{% set subtasks = issue | subtasks %}
{% set count = 0 %}
{% for subtask in subtasks %}
	{% set count = count + 1 %}
{{ count }}


field is a custom Nunjucks filter that returns the value of a field of an object. It applies to an object and takes the field name as a parameter. The field name can also be a path (using dot notation). This is useful to access the field of the result of another filter, instead of having to use an intermediate variable.

For example: 

{{ issue.fields.versions | first | field("name") }} returns the name of the first Affects Version/s.

{{ issue | epic | field("") }} returns the username of the reporter of the Epic of the issue.

{{ issue | parentIssue | field("fields['Original Estimate']") }} returns the original estimate of the issues' parent issue. 


sprints is a custom Nunjucks filter that returns the sprints of an issue or a board. It applies to an issue object or a board ID. For an issue, it uses the first scrum board to which the issue's project belongs. It takes an optional state or a list of comma-separated states as a parameter. See below the structure:

Code Block
    	"id": 37,
        "self": "",
        "state": "closed",
        "name": "sprint 1",
        "startDate": "2015-04-11T15:22:00.000+10:00",
        "endDate": "2015-04-20T01:22:00.000+10:00",
        "completeDate": "2015-04-20T11:04:00.000+10:00",
        "originBoardId": 5
        "id": 72,
        "self": "",
        "state": "future",
        "name": "sprint 2"

For example: 

{{ issue | sprints }} returns a list of sprints. See below the structure: 

{{ issue | sprints | join("," , "name") }} returns the names of the Sprints, separated by commas.

{{ issue | sprints("active") | first | field("id") }} returns the currently active sprint ID.


The isInGroup filter is a custom Nunjucks filter that returns true if the user is in the specified group (passed as a parameter to the filter). The user, provided as input to the filter, can be either a username or a user object.

For example:

{{ currentUser | isInGroup("jira-administrators") }} returns true if the current user is in the "jira-administrators" group.

{{ issue.fields.assignee | isInGroup("jira-servicedesk-users") }} returns true if the assignee of the issue is in the "jira-servicedesk-users" group.


The isInRole filter is a custom Nunjucks filter that returns true if the user is in the named role (passed as a parameter to the filter). The user, provided as input to the filter, can be either a username or a user object. Expected parameters are:

    • isInRole(roleName): returns true if the user is in the named project role of the project of the current issue
    • isInRole(roleName, projectKey): returns true if the user is in the named project role of the project whose key is the specified projectKey
    • isInRole(roleName, issueObject): returns true if the user is in the named project role of the project of the given issue object

For example:

{{ currentUser | isInRole("Developers") }} returns true if the current user is in the "Developers" project role.

{{ issue.fields.reporter | isInRole("Developers","ARM") }} returns true if the current user is in the "Developers" project role of the project whose key is "ARM"

{{ currentUser | isInRole("Developers",linkedIssue) }} returns true if the current user is in the "Developers" project role of the project of the first issue linked to the current issue with 'blocks' link type.

userProperty(<property key>)

The userProperty filter is a custom Nunjucks filter that returns the value of the user property key (passed as a parameter to the filter) from the user entity properties that are set on the User properties editor page. The user, provided as input to the filter, can be either a username or a user object. If the requested user property cannot be found, the filter returns undefined (which is equivalent to an empty string).

For example:

{{ currentUser | userProperty("Location") }} returns the value of the key Location

{{ issue.fields.assignee | userProperty("State") }} returns the value of the key State

You will find a lot more Nunjucks built-in filters here.


You can use many types of literal expressions similar to those in javascript, such as:

Mathematical expressions

Nunjucks allows you to do simple calculations on numbers.

For example:

{{ issue.fields.Field1 + issue.fields.Field2 }} outputs the sum of two custom field values, where Field1 and Field2 are the custom field names.

{{ OriginalEstimate*2 }} doubles the original estimate of the issue.


Nunjucks allows you to compare two values or objects.

For example:

{{ == "Task" }} compares both values.


Nunjucks allows you to use if as an inline expression.

For example:

{{ "true" if var else "false" }} outputs the string "true" if the variable var is defined, else it outputs "false".

You might want to look here for some more built-in expressions in Nunjucks.

Nunjucks in JMWE for JIRA Cloud

Nunjucks in JMWE for Jira Cloud is used to insert information in

You can insert issue and transition information into the value using the templating features available in Nunjucks. Some basic templating features are described in this document, and more are documented on the Nunjucks website.

Templating features in Nunjucks

Child pages (Children Display)

You might also want to look at Accessing the details of an issue or a transition in Nunjucks to know how to access the details of an issue or a transition.

See here for more templating features available in NunjucksYou might also want to refer see here for use cases with Nunjucks annotations.