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Fetch the value of a multi-value field when you know it has only one value


This code snippet retains the only value of a multi-valued type field which can either be an array of objects or a set of values. This snippet is useful when you know that the array has only one value and hence by applying the first or last methods you can retain it.


Use the first/last filter to get the only object of the field and access the specific field for the required value.


{# Apply the first/last filter to the array of objects. Upon that apply the field filter #}
{{ issue.fields["<Multi-valued field>"] | <filter> | field("<Value>") }}


<Multi-value field>Name of the multi-valued fieldTechnical tasks
<filter>Filter to be appliedfirst
<Value>Value to fetchvalue

Since you already know the collection of objects has only one value you could use the last filter as well.


The output of the code snippet is the only value of a multi-valued field which you could use in a template, for example to:

  • Set a field in one of the Set field value post-functions or the Create issue post-function under the Set fields of new issue section. Examples:

    • Assign the issue to the author of the last comment
      {{ issue.fields.comment.comments | last | field("author.accountId") }}
    • Name of the issue link type of the only linked issue to the current issue

      {{ issue.fields.issuelinks | first | field("type.name") }}
  • Send an email to the first user of a Multi-user picker field in the Email issue post-function

    {{ issue.fields["Multi-user picker"] | first | field("accountId") }}


Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.