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Built in Nunjucks Filters

 Filters are essentially functions that can be applied to variables. This document details some of the Nunjucks built-in filters.

Filters are called with a pipe operator (|) and can take arguments. You will find a lot more Nunjucks built-in filters here.

In this page:


The currency filter formats a number as a monetary amount. It takes the optional, symbol parameter, whose default value is $.

For example:

{{ 100 | currency }} returns $100

{{ 3000 | currency("€") }} returns €3000£"("£


The dump filter dumps an object as a JSON string into the template.

For example:

{{ issue.fields.reporter | dump(2) }} dumps the Reporter user object in "pretty" JSON format, using 2 spaces as indentation.

{{ issue.fields.fixVersions | dump }} dumps the array of Fix Version/s of the issue in un-prettyfied JSON format.


The first filter gets the first value/object in the array.

For example:

{{ issue.fields.fixVersions | first }} returns the first Fix Version/s object of the issue.

{{ issue.fields.labels | first }} returns the first label of the issue.


The join filter returns a string which is a concatenation of strings. 

For example:

{{ issue.fields.fixVersions | join("," , "name") }} joins the names of the Fix Version/s, separated by commas. For example: 1,1.0,2.0


The last filter gets the last value/object in the array. 

For example:

{{ issue.fields.components | last }} returns the last component object of the issue.

{{ issue.fields.labels | last }} returns the last label of the issue.


The percent filter formats a number as a percentage. It takes the optional, decimals parameter, whose default value is 0.

For example:

{{ 0.4512 | percent }} returns 45%

{{ 0.4512 | percent(2) }} returns 45.12%