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Text input for fields
This document lists the expected text input value that should be provided to set Jira Standard and Custom fields. You might also want to look at Standard Jira fields, Predefined Custom fields and User-created custom fields to know how to access the fields of an issue.
On this page:
Standard Jira fields
Field Name | Expected input value | Examples |
Affect Version/s | Version name(s) or ID(s) should be provided. You can add multiple versions by typing them separated by commas. To obtain the ID of a version, use this REST API call that returns all version details in a project: https://{yourdomain.atlassian.net}/rest/api/2/project/{projectIdorprojectKey}/version When you set an input value using the ID(s) you need to prefix it with "id". For example: id:10101. |
Assignee | AccountId should be provided, or empty string for Unassigned |
Attachments | Attachment URL should be provided. You can add multiple attachments typing the URL's separated by commas. | |
Components | Component name(s) or ID(s) should be provided. You can add multiple components by typing them separated by commas. To obtain the ID of Components, navigate to the field configuration, edit the field and look at the end of the page URL in the navigation bar to find the ID. When you set an input value using the ID(s) you need to prefix it with "id". For example: id:10101. |
Description | Any simple single/multi-line text should be provided |
Due Date | Date in ISO_8601 format |
Environment | Any simple single/multi-line text should be provided |
Fix Version/s | Version name(s) or ID(s) should be provided. You can add multiple versions by typing them separated by commas. To obtain the ID of version, use this REST API call that returns all version details in a project: https://{yourdomain.atlassian.net}/rest/api/2/project/{projectIdorprojectKey}/version When you set an input value using the ID(s) you need to prefix it with "id". For example: id:10101. |
Issue Type | Issue Type name or ID should be provided. To obtain the ID of Issue Type, navigate to the field configuration, edit the field and look at the end of the page URL in the navigation bar to find the ID. |
Labels | Any simple text should be provided. You can add multiple labels by typing them separated by spaces. |
Linked Issues | You cannot set this field using a text value. See JSON input for fields to set this. | NA |
Original Estimate | A Number of seconds or a duration string. |
Parent | The value should be a valid issue key. Examples of Nunjucks expressions returning an issue key:
| For example:
Priority | Priority name or ID should be provided. To obtain the ID of Priority, navigate to the field configuration, edit the field and look at the end of the page URL in the navigation bar to find the ID. |
Remaining Estimate | A Number of seconds or a duration string. |
Reporter | Username should be provided. |
Resolution | Resolution name or ID should be provided. To obtain the ID of Resolution, navigate to the field configuration, edit the field and look at the end of the page URL in the navigation bar to find the ID. |
Security level | Security level name or ID should be provided. |
Summary | Any single-line text should be provided |
Time Tracking | You cannot set this field using a text value. See JSON input for fields to set this. | NA |
Watchers | AccountId should be provided. You can add multiple users by typing them separated by commas. |
Predefined Custom fields
Field Name | Expected input value | Examples |
Account | Account ID or name should be provided. To obtain the Account ID navigate to the Account and look at the end of the page URL in the navigation bar to find the ID, as shown below. Eg: https://test.atlassian.net/plugins/servlet/ac/io.tempo.jira/tempo-accounts#!/account/2/ |
Approvers | AccountId should be provided. You can add multiple users by typing them separated by commas. |
All Capture for Jira fields | Any simple single/multi-line text should be provided | All the Capture for Jira fields expect a text value. |
Customer Request Type | The Customer Request Type ID or name should be provided. To obtain the Customer Request Type ID
Epic Color | Any simple single/multi-line text should be provided |
Epic Link | Issue KEY of an Epic should be provided. |
Epic Name | Any simple single/multi-line text should be provided |
Epic Status | Status value should be provided |
Flagged | Option value should be provided. |
Organizations | The value should be a comma-separated list of Organization names or IDs. To obtain an Organization ID, navigate to the Organization and look at the end of the page URL in the navigation bar to find the ID, as shown below: |
Raised during | Session ID should be provided. The session ID can be obtained from the URL when you view the session. To obtain the Session ID navigate to the Session and look at the end of the page URL in the navigation bar to find the ID. |
Request Participants | AccountId should be provided. You can add multiple users by typing them separated by commas. |
Satisfaction Date | Date in ISO_8601 format |
Sprint | Sprint ID should be provided. To identify the Sprint ID, add the Sprint to an issue and use the Nunjucks Script tester with the following template: {{issue.fields["Sprint"] }} and look at the id field in the result. |
Story points | Any number |
Team | Team ID should be provided. To obtain the Team ID navigate to the Team and look at the end of the page URL in the navigation bar to find the ID, as shown below. Eg: https://test.atlassian.net/plugins/servlet/ac/io.tempo.jira/tempo-teams#!/team/2 |
Team (Portfolio) | Team ID should be provided. To identify the team ID, add the Team to an issue and use the Nunjucks Script tester with the following template: {{ issue.fields.Team }} |
Test Sessions | Session ID should be provided. You can add multiple sessions by typing them separated by commas. To obtain the Session ID navigate to the Session and look at the end of the page URL in the navigation bar to find the ID. |
User-created custom fields
The value expected by custom fields depends on the Custom Field Type:
Custom field type | Expected input value | Examples |
Check boxes / Multi select list | Option value(s) or id(s) should be provided. You can add multiple options by typing the value(s) or id(s) separated by commas. To obtain an option ID, you can go to the custom field configuration, navigate to the Option, edit it and look at the end of the page URL in the navigation bar to find the ID. |
Radio buttons / Single select list | Option value or id should be provided To obtain an option ID, you can go to the custom field configuration, navigate to the Option, edit it and look at the end of the page URL in the navigation bar to find the ID. |
Select list (cascading) | Parent value or id - Child value or id should be provided to set both the parent and child levels. To set just the parent, you should provide only the parent value or id. To obtain the parent or child ID, you can go to the custom field configuration, navigate to the parent or child, edit it and look at the end of the page URL in the navigation bar to find the ID. |
Single Group Picker | Group name should be provided |
Multi Group Picker | Group name should be provided. You can add multiple groups by typing them separated by commas. |
Project Picker (single project) | Project key should be provided |
User Picker (single user) | AccountId should be provided. | accountId:557058:3a41d4ee-3331-4363-8cdf-f90a2da92f7e |
User Picker (multiple users) | AccountId should be provided. You can add multiple users by typing them separated by commas. |
Version Picker (single version) | Version name should be provided. |
Version Picker (multiple versions) | Version name should be provided. You can add multiple versions by typing them separated by commas. |
Text Field (single line) | Any simple single text should be provided |
Text Field (multi line) | Any simple single/multi-line text should be provided |
Text Field (read only) | Any simple single/multi-line text should be provided |
URL Field | Text representing a URL should be provided | |
Number Field | Number should be provided |
Labels | Any simple text should be provided. You can add multiple labels by typing them separated by spaces. |
Date picker | Text representing a date should be provided |
Date Time Picker | Text representing a date/time should be provided | |
Insight Objects | The value should be a comma-separated list of Insight Object IDs. To obtain an Insight Object ID, you need to evaluate the following expression in the Nunjucks tester against an issue that has that Insight Object in the Insight Objects field: |